Exploring Engineering World  2016


Prabhas Chongstitvatana, Computer Engineering  homepage
Sukree Sinthupinyo, Computer Engineering
Panuwat Janpugdee, Electrical Engineering

Our class is the mixture of knowing how basic technology works and hand-on projects to motivate you to "design" something.  We expect you to get some idea from our talk and spend sometime in pursuing group study of the assigned homework.  Your work will be presented and get comments in next week class meet. 

We will talk about

Internet of Things  
Data Analytics
Wireless communication


Internet of Things


Internet of Things in Automated Car Factory (KUKA)

Page at Facebook 


Project  Internet of Things

I pick O'Reilly view point of Internet of Things.  He believes in IoT and Human (in the loop).  So here is his view:
Future of Internet
Internet of Things and Humans
His talk on Youtube

Your project is to brainstorm a "realistic" project that combine "hardware" (gadget/sensors/mobile etc) and "sofware" (people/apps etc) that can improve our life.  You need to prepare to answer the following questions:
1)     What "problem" you want to solve?
2)     Why it is important?
3)     How your IoT will help?
4)     Technical aspects of your IoT.

The work is divided into two parts:
1)    A survey of field of your choice.  The 4 pages reports includes the broad survey of the area that you want to pursue your project, what are already available in the market.  Submit next week, I will select some report for 5 min. presenting in the class, so prepare a few slides.
2)    The follow up is the detailed design and including User Interface mock up design.  All projects will be presented in the third week.  Each project has 7 min. and 3 min. the answer questions. You had to hand in the final report.  The final report is the survey report plus your final design and UI drawing.

You project will be judged according to the following criteria:
a)  Innovation   (how new, how wow)
b)  Engineering practicality
c)  Presentation and report

After all projects are presented, we will have popular vote for three best projects and the Lecturer award project voted by the lecturers.

Important note about plagiarism

Big notice:  you must not cut and paste your report from material anywhere.  That act is considered "plagiarise" and it is unethical and even can be "unlawful" in your professional life in the future.

Component Source for IoT

Computer Board  http://inex.co.th/shop/application-module/iot.html
Free IoT server at NECTEC   NETPIE


Your work is counted 25 points toward the final score.


last update  9 Feb 2016