How to do code generation


The main program is "gen21.txt".  It accepts a N-obj (a.obj) file produced by "nut32" compiler and outputs a S-obj file to stdout (the screen).  S-obj file is a machine code for a processor (we use another virtual machine Som-v2 for this purpose), called "som.exe".


(to read further about som-v2 goto this link)


First we compile the code generator itself, "gen21.txt" and rename the object file to "gen21.obj".


c:> nut32 < gen21.txt

c:> ren a.obj gen21.obj


Now "gen21.obj" will be our executable code generator. We try it out on the previous example "ex-ch2.txt".


c:> nut32 < ex-ch2.txt


Compile the source and now we have "a.obj" as a N-obj file.  Here is what N-obj looks like:


30 30

2 1 14 1 0

4 1 20 1 2

6 0 0 4 0

8 1 19 257 6

10 1 14 1 0

12 1 14 1 10

14 1 8 0 12

16 0 0 14 0

18 1 19 257 16

20 1 16 20 0

22 1 13 18 20

24 0 0 22 0

26 1 13 8 24

28 0 0 26 0

30 1 19 1 28




18 print 3 8 1 1

20 sq 3 18 1 1

22 main 3 30 0 1



Generate S-code from it using our code generator "gen21.obj".  Keep the output in "ex-ch2.s".


c:> nsim32 gen21.obj < a.obj  > ex-ch2.s


Here is "ex-ch2.s"



1 16

3104 23 294 280 292 532 294 280

280 3 532 550 5151 1824 800 532


2000 1999



print 3 3 1 1

sq 3 7 1 1

main 3 12 0 1



The first line "5678920" denotes Som-v2 object file. The next line "1 16" is the starting address and length of the machine code.  The whole next block is the machine code (S-code).  Each S-code has the format arg:24 op:8, for example "3104" is:


arg = 3104 >> 8 =  12

op = 3104 & 255 =  32


So this instruction is "call 12".


Here is the encoding table of S-code (from my textbook chapter 4).




0 --    1 add   2 sub    3 mul    4 div

5 band  6 bor   7 bxor   8 not    9 eq

10 ne   11 lt   12 le    13 ge    14 gt

15 shl  16 shr  17 mod   18 ldx   19 stx

20 ret  21 --   22 array 23 <end> 24 get

25 put  26 ld   27 st    28 jmp   29 jt

30 jf   31 lit  32 call  33 --    34 inc

35 dec  36 sys  37 case  38 fun


The next block "2000 1999" is the data block, it contains start and end address follows by the data. This numbers say there is no data. The last block is the symbol table.


To "run" the S-obj, use Som-v2 virtual machine ("som.exe") like this:


c:> som -x < ex-ch2.s


It should give out the correct result (400) on the screen.


last update 11 Aug 2009