Runtime Support for Functional Language

Lambda is an anonymous function

for example

/\ (x, y)
   (x * x) + (y * y)

defition of a function becomes a value.  This value can be assigned to a variable

define f (x y ... z) e

can be achieved in a functional language by

f := /\ (x y .. z) e      ( I use := as an assignment, denote a function)

The first example of a functional value

add := /\ (x) /\ (y) (x + y)
add1 := add(1)
=>  add1(4)   
       is an application of a function

The above functions can be read:  add has an argument (x)  returns a function that has an argument (n) which returns x + y

add1() has an argument (n) returns 1 + n

Please note that  /\ (x y .. z) e   is an expression.
when this expression is evaluate in the environment (env) it becomes a closure

<< /\ (x y .. z) e, env >>

which is a value (distinct from the expression).  env is a binding of free variables

=> add1(2)  creates a closure

<< /\(y) (x + y), {x->1} >>

which is applied to argument 2 which will extend the environment to
{x->1, y -> 2 }

The next example shows another way to use "function value"

apply f to each element in the list L, returns a list

mapcar := /\ (f, L)
    if L == nil return nil
    else return cons(  f (head(L)), mapcar ( f, tail(L) ) )

for example if number?  tests its argument returns Boolean
=> mapcar ( number?, [ 3, a, b, [5, 6]] )
=> [ True, nil, nil, nil ]

lastly, "function value:" can be used to capture the flow to control
it is call "continuation"

Homework:  Read about continuation by searching for a function named
  call-with-current-continuation.   (or call-cc. in short)
that is available in the language SCHEME.

last update 22 Feb 2024