ELITE > Authenticate
manage(); break; case 'delete': require_once($ltw_config['include_dir'].'/ltweventmgr.php'); $event = new ltwEventMgr($_REQUEST['timestamp']); $event->delete($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'edit': require_once($ltw_config['include_dir'].'/ltweventmgr.php'); $event = new ltwEventMgr($_REQUEST['timestamp']); $event->edit($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'login': $auth = new ltwAuth; $auth->login(); break; case 'logout': $auth = new ltwAuth; $auth->logout(); break; case 'users': require_once($ltw_config['include_dir'].'/ltwusermgr.php'); $users = new ltwUserMgr; $users->manage(); break; } //end admin switch($task) break; default: header('location:index.php'); }//end switch //Flush output buffer ob_end_flush(); //Simple integer input validation function validate_number($untrusted_input, $variable_name) { if (!preg_match('/^\d{0,10}$/', trim($untrusted_input))) { die ("Unable to display calendar due to bad input :" . $variable_name . " -> " . htmlentities($untrusted_input)); } } ?>