S3.0  multi-core processor instruction set

S3.0 is extended from S21. It has three-address instruction set.  A general format of an instruction (register to register operations) is:

op r1 r2 r3     means  R[r1] = R[r2] op R[r3]

To pass values between memory and registers, load/store instructions are used.   Load means transfer memory to register. Store means transfer register to memory. There are three addressing modes: absolute, index and displacement.
ld r1 ads          R[r1] = M[ads]          absolute
ld r1 +r2 r3       R[r1] = M[R[r2]+R[r3]]  index
ld r1 @d r2        R[r1] = M[d + R[r2]]    displacement
st r1 ads          M[ads] = R[r1]          absolute
st r1 +r2 r3       M[R[r2]+R[r3]] = R[r1]  index
st r1 @d r2        M[d + R[r2]] = R[r1]    displacement

In assembly language, these addressing modes are written using the convention op dest <- source.

Instruction type

arithmetic:             add sub mul div mod
logic:                  and or xor eq ne lt le gt ge shl shr
control:                jmp jt jf jal ret
data:                   ld st push pop mov

Instruction meaning

false == 0
true  != 0

op r1 r2 r3     is    R[r1] = R[r2] op R[r3]
op r1 r2 #n     is    R[r1] = R[r2] op n


d is 17-bit sign extended
m is 22-bit sign extended

ld r1 ads       is    R[r1] = M[ads]          absolute
ld r1 +r2 r3    is    R[r1] = M[R[r2]+R[r3]]  index
ld r1 @d r2     is    R[r1] = M[d + R[r2]]    displacement
st r1 ads       is    M[ads] = R[r1]          absolute
st r1 +r2 r3    is    M[R[r2]+R[r3]] = R[r1]  index
st r1 @d r2     is    M[d + R[r2]] = R[r1]    displacement
mov r1 #m       is    R[r1] = m               move constant to register
mov r1 r2       is    R[r1] = R[r2]           move value between registers


jmp ads         is    pc = ads
jt r1 ads       is    if R[r1] != 0  pc = ads    jump if r1 is true
jf r1 ads       is    if R[r1] == 0  pc = ads    jump if r1 is false
jal r1 ads      is    R[r1] = PC; PC = ads       jump and link
ret r1          is    PC = R[r1]                 return


int #n          is    R[31] = PC, PC = M[1000+4*n]  sw interrupt
reti            is    PC = R[31]                 return from int
wfi             is    R[31] = PC, stop           wait for int


two-complement integer arithmetic
n is 17-bit sign extended

add r1 r2 r3     R[r1] = R[r2] + R[r3]
add r1 r2 #n     R[r1] = R[r2] + n
sub r1 r2 ...    R[r1] = R[r2] - R[r3]
mul r1 r2 ...    R[r1] = R[r2] * R[r3]
div r1 r2 ...    R[r1] = R[r2] / R[r3]  integer division
mod r1 r2 ...    R[r1] = R[r2] % R[r3]  modulo

Logic (bitwise)

n is 17-bit sign extended

and r1 r2 r3     R[r1] = R[r2] bit-and R[r3]
and r1 r2 #n     R[r1] = R[r2] bit-and n
or r1 r2 r3      R[r1] = R[r2] bit-or  R[r3]
or r1 r2 #n      R[r1] = R[r2] bit-or  n
xor r1 r2 r3     R[r1] = R[r2] bit-xor R[r3]
xor r1 r2 #n     R[r1] = R[r2] bit-xor n
eq r1 r2 r3      R[r1] = R[r2] == R[r3]
eq r1 r2 #n      R[r1] = R[r2] == n
ne ...
lt ...
le ...
gt ...
ge ...
shl r1 r2 r3     R[r1] = R[r2] << R[r3]
shl r1 r2 #n     R[r1] = R[r2] << n
shr r1 r2 r3     R[r1] = R[r2] >> R[r3]
shr r1 r2 #n     R[r1] = R[r2] >> n

Stack operation

To facilitate passing the parameters to a subroutine and also to save state (link register) for recursive call, two stack operations are defined: push, pop.

push r1 r2      is    R[r1]++; M[R[r1]] = R[r2]       push r2, r1 as stack pointer  
pop  r1 r2      is    R[r2] = M[R[r1]]; R[r1]--       pop to r2, r1 as stack pointer
pushm r1        push multiple R[0]..R[15], r1 as stack pointer
popm  r1        pop multiple R[0]..R[15], r1 as stack pointer

Multicore support

cid r1          is  return core number to R[r1]
intx #c         is  generate int0 to core #c
sync            is  global (all-core) synchronisation


Pseudo instructions are unlike other instructions, they are used mainly to control the simulator and to perform input/output. "trap" instruction have two arguments. The second argument is the trap number designated the operation.

trap r1 #n       special instruction, n is in r2-field.

trap r1 #0                 stop simulation
trap r1 #1                 print integer in R[r1]
trap r2 #2                 print character in R[r2]

Instruction format

L-format    op:5 r1:5 ads:22
D-format    op:5 r1:5 r2:5 disp:17
X-format    op:5 r1:5 r2:5 r3:5 xop:12

(ads 22-bit,  disp 17-bit sign extended)

Instructions are fixed length at 32 bits.  There are 32 registers. The address space is 32-bit.  Access to memory is always on word boundary (no byte-access). Absolute address (L-format) is 22-bit or the first 4M words.  Index and indirect access can reach the whole 32-bit address space.  Immediate value (D-format) is 17-bit.  It is sign extended.  The  jump instructions (jmp, jt, jf) have 22-bit address.

ISA and opcode encoding

opcode   format

0  L    nop            no operation
1  L    ld r1 ads     (ads 22-bit)
2  D    ld r1 @d r2   (d 17-bit sign extended)
3  L    st r1 ads     (ads 22-bit)
4  D    st r1 @d r2   (d 17-bit sign extended) 
5  L    mov r #m      (m 22-bit sign extended)
6  L    jmp ads  
7  L    jal r1 ads      
8  L    jt r1 ads
9  L    jf r1 ads 
10 D    add r1 r2 #n  (n 17-bit sign extended)
11 D    sub r1 r2 #n  ...
12 D    mul r1 r2 #n
13 D    div r1 r2 #n
14 D    and r1 r2 #n
15 D    or r1 r2 #n
16 D    xor r1 r2 #n
17 D    eq r1 r2 #n
18 D    ne r1 r2 #n
19 D    lt r1 r2 #n
20 D    le r1 r2 #n
21 D    gt r1 r2 #n
22 D    ge r1 r2 #n
23 D    shl r1 r2 #n
24 D    shr r1 r2 #n
25 D    mod r1 r2 #n
26..30 undefined
31 xop    -     X

0  X   add r1 r2 r3
1  X   sub r1 r2 r3
2  X   mul r1 r2 r3
3  X   div r1 r2 r3
4  X   and r1 r2 r3
5  X   or r1 r2 r3
6  X   xor r1 r2 r3
7  X   eq r1 r2 r3
8  X   ne r1 r2 r3
9  X   lt r1 r2 r3
10 X   le r1 r2 r3
11 X   gt r1 r2 r3
12 X   ge r1 r2 r3
13 X   shl r1 r2 r3
14 X   shr r1 r2 r3
15 X   mod r1 r2 r3
16 x   mov r1 r2
17 X   ld r1 +r2 r3
18 X   st r1 +r2 r3
19 X   ret r1
20 X   trap r1 #n    use n at r1 n = 0..31
21 X   push r1 r2    use r1 as stack pointer
22 X   pop r1 r2     use r1 as stack pointer
23 X   not r1 r2
24 X   int #n        sw interrupt 0..3
25 X   reti
26 X   pushm r1      use r1 as stack pointer
27 X   popm r1       use r1 as stack pointer
28 X   intx #n       intercore int, use n at r1, n = 0..31 (core number)    
29 X   wfi
30 X   cid r1
31 X   sync
32 X   ei
33 X   di

34..4095 undefined

when a field is not used, it is filled with 0.

last update 29 Oct 2017