How to write a grammar for LL(1) parsing

LL(1) is left-to-right with one look-ahead. We must write a grammar that uses the first token to decide which rule to use and once it is committed, there is no turning back.

Let us begin with a simple binary operation. The input is similar to the following sentence.

table1 = 10 and (table2 = 20 or table3 = 30)

Its grammar will be:

clause := clause and clause
clause := clause or clause
clause := name = value
clause := ( clause )

To have the operator cascaded ( A and B and C ...), we use  right recursion (on the rule "clauses").

clause := expr clauses
clauses := logic expr clauses | empty
logic := and | or

(Note to the reader: is it left or right association?)
Let the precedence of "=" be higher than "and" "or". So, first, we "embed" the operator "=" rule "inside" by creating a new rule for it (the rule "expr").

expr := name = value

Finally to take care of the highest precedence "(...)" we embed it in the innest rule.

expr := name = value | ( clause )

The next rule we will consider is the grammar for a list (containing variable number of elements).  This is the example of a list.

(10, 20, 30)

list := ( element )
element := number elements
elements := , number elements | empty

Please note that this grammar does not allow an empty list (). It can be incorporated into the grammar easily.

list := ( member
member := ) | number members
members := , number members ) | empty
