SX chip

It is a stack-based processor.  Its ISA is s-code, som v.2 is its virtual machine.  The data path is 32 bits with the design from a previous 16-bit stack-based processor (ref tencon), the stack machine with 2 phases control.  It uses microprogram in the control unit, for the purpose of teaching cycle-accurate execution.


1..9    Add Sub Mul Div Band Bor Bxor Not Eq
10..19  Ne Lt Le Ge Gt Shl Shr Mod Ldx Stx
20..29  Ret Retv Array End Get Put Ld St Jmp Jt
30..38  Jf Lit Call -- Inc Dec Sys Case Fun

format  arg:24 op:8

Bop  Add..Mod
Uop  Not Array

Meaning of instructions


{... top of stack}
M[]  memory
SS[] stack segment

     value on stack

Ldx  {ads idx}       push M[ads+idx]
Stx  {ads idx val}   M[ads+idx] = val
Get.a                push SS[fp-a]
Put.a {val}          SS[fp-a] = val
Ld.a                 push M[a]
St.a  {val}          M[a] = val
Jmp.d                pc += d
Jt.d  {val}          if val != 0 pc += d
Jf.d  {val}          if val == 0 pc += d
Lit.a                push a
Inc.a                SS[fp-a]++
Dec.a                SS[fp-a]--


  pc2 = pc + 1
  pc = a
  fetch k at pc      ; fun.k
  SS[fp+k] = fp   ; save old fp
  fp = fp + k     ; new frame
  sp = fp + 1
  SS[sp] = pc2    ; save return ads

  sp = fp - m     ; restore sp
  pc = SS[fp+1]   ; restore ret ads  
  fp = SS[fp]     ; restore fp


  tmp = SS[sp]    ; return value
  sp = fp - m + 1 ; push tmp
  SS[sp] = tmp
  pc = SS[fp+1]
  fp = SS[fp]

auto detect ret/retv

  if sp == fp + 1  ; ret

picture of AR

          hi mem
PC'  <- SP
FP'  <- FP
pv   <- SP'
sp   <- SP''
..   <- FP'
lo mem

Data path

sx1 data path

SX caches the top of stack. It has five special purpose registers (no visible user register): TS, FP, SP, NX, FF, PC is special.

TS  top of stack
FP  frame pointer
SP  stack pointer
NX  temp register (next)
FF  temp register

To reduce the length of microprogram, will do more in one word.  Using 2 phases enables read-modify-write in one cycle.  Reading from registers and memory will be on positive edge (phi1) and writing to registers will be on negative edge (phi2).  For memory read, the address is set at phi1, the data is ready at phi2.  For memory write, the address and data are set at phi1, the write signal is applied at phi2.

The basic cycle is:

read-modify-write a register
phi1 R -> alu -> tbus
phi2 tbus -> R

phi1 ads -> abus, Mread -> dbus
phi2 dbus -> R

phi1 ads -> abus, data -> dbus
phi2 dbus -> Mwrite

reg transfer
phi1 R1 -> tbus
phi2 tbus -> R2

Step-by-step execution of each instruction

RTL  (register transfer language)

stack notation {.. top of stack}

ir = M[pc]

<push x>
sp = sp + 1
M[sp] = x

<pop x>
x = M[sp]
sp = sp - 1

pop ff
ts = ts op ff

ts = op ts

push ts
ts = M[fp-arg]

M[fp-arg] = ts
pop ts

push ts
ts = M[arg]

<st>   {data}
M[arg] = ts
pop ts

<ldx>  {base idx}
pop ff        ; base
ts = M[ff+ts]

<stx>  {base idx data}
pop nx        ; idx
pop ff        ; base
M[ff+nx] = ts
pop ts

pc = pc + d

if ts != 0
  pc = pc + arg
  pc = pc + 1
pop ts

if ts == 0
  pc = pc + arg
  pc = pc + 1
pop ts

<call ads>
return ads is on frame and ts

push ts        ; flush stack
ts = pc + 1    ; ret ads
nx = arg       ; save call ads
ir = M[arg]    ; fetch at ads
M[fp+arg] = fp    ; save old fp
fp = sp = fp + arg ; new fp, sp
push ts        ; save ret ads
pc = nx + 1    ; jump to body

<ret>    determine ret/retv
return ads is in frame

pc = M[fp+1]    ; restore ret ads
if sp == fp     ; then do ret
  sp = fp - arg ; restore sp
  pop ts
  fp = M[fp]    ; restore fp
else        ; do retv
  sp = fp - arg
  fp = M[fp]

pc is special

pc = pc+1, pc+arg, tbus, dbus

mem read cycle

abus (ads to mem) is valid the first half of cycle
mem read (CE) active the first half of cycle
data is valid before mid cycle
register load pos edge at mid cycle

mem write cycle

abus is valid the first half
data is valid the first half
mem write active the first half and latches data at mid


Burutarchanai, A., Nanthanavoot, P., Aporntewan, C., and  Chongstitvatana, P., "A stack-based processor for resource efficient embedded systems", Proc. of IEEE TENCON 2004, 21-24 November 2004, Thailand.

Burutarchanai, A., and Chongstitvatana, P., "Design of a two-phased clocked control unit for performance enhancement of a stack processor", National Computer Science and Engineering Conference, Thailand, 21-22 Sept. 2004, pp.114-119.
