Exercises  Probabilistic Algorithm

1  Consider the following nonterminating program

  print 2,  3
  n = 5
    if RepeatMillRabin( n, floor(lg n)) then print n
    n = n + 2

Clearly, every prime number will eventually be printed by this program.  One might also expect composite number to be produced errorneously once in a while.  Prove that this is unlikely to happen.  More precisely, prove that the probability is better than 99% that no composite number larger than 100 will ever be produced, regardless of how long the program is allowed to run.
Note :  This figure of 99% is very conservative as it would still hold even if MillRab(n) had a flat 25% chance of failure on each composite integer.

2  Let A and B be two biased Monte Carlo algorithms for solving the same decision problem.  Algorithm A is p-correct but its answer is quaranteed when it is true; algorithm B is q-correct but its answer is quaranteed when it is false.  Show how to combine A and B into a Las Vegas algorithm LV(x,y,success) to solve the same problem.   One call on LV should not take significantly more time than a call on A followed by a call on B.  If your Las Vegas algorithm succeeds with probability at least r whatever the instance, what is the best value of r you can obtain?

3  Let X be a finite set whose elements are easy to enumerate and let Y be a nonempty subset of X of unknown cardinality.  Assume you can decide, given x in X, whether or not x in Y.  How would you chosse a random element of Y according to the uniform distribution?  The obvious solution is to make a first pass through X to count the number of n of elements in Y, then choose a random integer k = uniform(1..n), and finally locat the k-th element of Y by going through X again, unless you kept the elements of Y in an array during the first pass through X.  Surprisingly, this problem can be solved with a single pass through X, without additional storage, and without first counting the elements in Y.  Consider the following algorithm :

draw ( X, Y )
  n = 0
  for each x in X do
    if x in Y then n = n + 1
                   if uniform(1..n) = n then z = x
  if n > 0 then return z
           else return "error Y is empty".

Prove by mathematical induction on the number of elements in Y that this algorithm finds an element of Y randomly according to the uniform distribution.