2110327 Algorithm  Design 2006

Prabhas Chongstitvatana
office   Eng. Building 4,  Floor 18  Room 13,  tel: 02-2186982,    email me
Lecture hour  Wed, Fri  8:30am - 10pm , Eng Building 3, room 418

What's new

Other lecture of this class

Somchai Prasitjutrakul     2110427  course pages

my lecture of year 2004
my lecture of year 2002
my lecture note of year 2001
my lecture note of year 2000 ( only part 2)

Scope of this year lecture:

The first half is devoted to "easy" (P) problem, another half is "hard" (NP) problem.  I will concentrate on basic and the "design" aspect.  I prefer our students to have practical skill, ie. that they can "write" and "execute" the algorithms that they design in some language and test them.

Lecture 1   An overview of algorithmics
Lecture 2   Analysis of algorithms
Lecture 3   Dynamic programming
Lecture 4   Divide and Conquer
Lecture 5-8
Lecture 9-10  NP-complete
Lecture 11  State space search
Lecture 12  Backtracking, branch and bound  (ppt year 2000)
Lecture 13  Probabilistic algorithms  (see lecture year 2001)
Lecture 14
Lecture 15 

End of class