Shortest Paths

Single source shortest paths

Bellman-Ford algorithm solves the single-source shortest paths in the general case in which edge weights may be negative.

Bellman-Ford ( G, w, s )
Initialise-single-source(G, s)
for i = 1 to | V[G]| - 1
  do for each edge (u, v) in E[G]
    do relax(u, v, w)
for each edge (u, v) in E[G]
  do if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v)
    then return FALSE
return TRUE

Initialise-single-source(G , s)
for each vertex v in V[G]
  do d[v] = infinity
    pi[v] = NIL
d[s] = 0

relax(u, v, w)
if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v)
  then d[v] = d[u] + w(u, v)
    pi[v] = u