Evolution of Computer Architecture

(under construction)

from technology point of view

mechanical:  calculating machine (Pascal, Difference engine, Charles Babbage Analytical engine)

electromechanical:  relay  (early computer)

electronic:  transister

integrated electronics:  Small scale, Medium scale, Large scale

VLSI:   system on chip

from architecture point of view

evolution of "programmability"

stored program computer

Von-Neumann,  Harvard architecture

basic assembly language

high level language:  "semantic gap"  (direct execution architecture)

Stack-based   vs  Register-based instruction set 

Complex vs Reduced instruction set

not enough address space

virtual memory


from performance point of view

cycle per instruction:  a metric that drive the revolution

super computing


Exascale computing

Kogge, P, "The tops in flops," IEEE spectrum, vol 48, no 2, pp.48-54  digital object identifier : 10.1109/MSPEC.2011.5693074  (local copy)
Exaflop machine    The full report    TR-2008-13.pdf  (3 Mb)
The Opportunities and Challenges of Exascale Computing, (pdf 2 Mb) US Department of Energy, Fall 2010

Reference to RISC

Stallings, W., "Reduced instruction set computer architecture," Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume: 76 , Issue: 1, pp.38-55 ( local copy )

last update 1 Dec 2012