Final Examination

2110362 Microcomputer interfacing laboratory

Final examination will be held on 11 October 1999 10:00-13:00 at the lab 18.
Students will be examined on group basis. Each project will be accessed by
t-1 showing the working system that can scan keyboard and display (lab 5)
t-2 run a known benchmark program (will be issued by 24 September, on EEPROM)
t-3 run a unknown benchmark that is given on the day of examination.
t-4 the written full report including the listing of the design and their design rationale.
Each group has 5 min. to demonstrate their system. The ordering will be
10:00-11:00 Wednesday group
11:00-12:00 Monday group
12:00-13:00 Tuesday group
Full specification

The cpu must run all the instructions on the lab sheet plus on extra instruction the ID. When ID instruction is executed the AC will contain student's id truncate to 8 bits. Each group can choose among the id of the member of the group.

The known benchmark t-2 will exercise the selected subset of the full instruction set (emphasize on the basics) and it will exercise ID instruction. Students can test their design on this benchmark prior to the day of examination.

The unknown benchmark t-3 will exercise more instructions and output pulses to measure the speed of CPU, the pulses will be measured on an oscilloscope.

The merit will be given according to :

1 all semester reports    35%
2 mid term exam          20%
3 final exam                 45%
The final exam 45% will be merited according to
1 if pass t-1 and t-2     30%
2 if pass t-3                10%
3 the report t-4             5%
The unknown benchmark t-3 will also test the speed of your system. We will rank (by sorting) the result into 3 groups : fast, medium, slow. The score is awarded by
1 fast                        10%
2 medium                    7%
3 slow                        5%
We will host the award for the fastest design and the winner will be presented with a certificate from the lecturers.