Specification of CPU3

A full description is contained in the lab sheet no 5.  This document will give you some addition information and hint on implementation.
ID instruction
Byte ordering
I/O port
Hint for implementation


Some errata in the lab sheet :

about addressing mode :

INA, OUT, STX  has no immediate addressing mode.
about op code :
  1. the opcode 001011  is not defined (between POP and INA)
  2. ROR has the op code  011111  (31 in decimal )
  3. ID  instruction has the opcode 100000  (32 decimal)
when ID is executed it will place 8-bit student id into AC.  (least significant byte).

Byte ordering

The byte-ordering  of 16-bit quantity needs clarification.  The cpu3 is a Big Endian machine, it means that the byte-order is most significant byte first (HI byte).  For example, LDX #256 , the operand is a 16-bit quantity, will be ordered  " 01 00 " hex in the memory.  When pushing a 16-bit quantity into a stack the order will be LO byte, then HI byte.  So that the order of byte in the stack segment and code segment will be similar.  Therefore, when poping 16-bit quantity, pop HI byte first then LO byte.

I/O port

Input, Output Ports are logical, this means that the port number 0..7 is for a programmer to use, the actual whereabout this port will be depends on your physical design.  Hence, Input port 0 and Output port 0 can be physically different even if they have the same port number.

Hint for implementation

If you find the project is overwhelm, try to do the easier subset of the design first.  I recommend the following : One good source of information how each instruction can be implemented please look at the source code  (in C language thereof) of the simulator for cpu3.  You can get lab 5 (scan keyboard and display) to work without any indexing mode and only small subset of instruction set.  Try to write the program for lab 5 first to see which instruction is required.  If everything fails  please contact me promptly before the final exam.