Prog Lang Prin    Home Work 

Section 3

week 1

1.1   Write a recursive version of "strcpy" in NUT.
1.2   Does Python language use a compiler?  (or an interpreter).  How it is executed?

week 2

2.1   Try the scanner (test-tok.txt), compile it and run it.  See the output.  Modify the output so that each token is printed on a separated line.  (use the function (nl) instead of (space))
2.2   Write a grammar of Nut language in the form of "rail-road-diagram".  There is a grammar in the Nut language manual (ch2.pdf) but you should try to write it by yourself.

week 3

3.1   Try compiling the nut-in-nut compiler (this one nut2.txt).  Use it to compile some example such as ex-ch2.txt  .  Observe what happen on the screen, try to describe it.  You can redirect the output from the screen (which is the object code) to a file, let's name it "sq.obj".  This object can be executed using "nsim32 sq.obj".  Try it and see the result.  Is it what you expect?
If you forget how to do nut-compiling see the section
Session on how to use the tools .
3.2   Assume we have a function "average", if it is a user-define function like this (file "avg.txt"):
    (def average (a b) ()
      (/ (+ a b) 2))
    (def main () ()
      (average 5 3))

The output at the screen (compile "avg.txt"):
E:\prabhas\bag\teaching\proglang\2010\nut\compiler> nut32 < avg.txt
(fun.2.2 (/ (+ get.1 get.2 )lit.2 ))
(fun.0.0 (call.18 lit.5 lit.3 ))
What change you have to make to the compiler (at the pseudo code level) to make "average" to be the built-in operator?  You need to read the compiler to understand this.  Read:
  parseNL    (parse Name List)
  parseEL    (parse Exp list)
Don't worry about parseEnum, parseLet, we won't touch it. If you read the actual code, here is my coding style, to do a "switch case" I did a "cascade if":
  if case1  do1
  if case2  do2
  if ...
  ; else

You will find this assignment a bit confusing because it really change at the code-generator level which we will learn next week. However, read the compiler and write some report of your understanding.  If "average" is really a built-in operator the "main" function in the above example will be compiled into this (notice the difference):
(fun.0.0 (average lit.5 lit.3 ))
