Classwork and Homework for Section 3


Section 3
1.  Write a recursive program to find a max value from an array of integer.   Write it in Rz.
2.  What is the meaning of this regular expression?   Draw the state diagram and try to explain what it does.
     /* ([^*]*[^/]*)* */
3.  Design a domain specific language.   Here is the FB language.
4.  Write s-code from the following Rz programs:
     5.1   a,b,c are local variables: 
             if (a < 2) b = c; else c = 11;
       len(e) {
          if( e == 0 ) return 0;
          else return 1 + len(tail(e));
            assume that tail(.) is an already defined function.


Section 3
1.  Familiarize with the compiler tool.  Use  to compile and run your find-max recursive in the classwork1. 
     Here is what a session looks like:
     Go to rz33/test directory  (that you unzip the package to).  There are two executable files:   rz33.exe  and  somv2x.exe

    Try to compile "fac.txt".  It is shown here:

// factorial

  if( n == 0 ) return 1;
  else return n * fac(n-1);

    Here is the command line and the output at the screen:

D:\prabhas\bag\rz\rz33\test>rz33 fac.txt
(fun main (print (call fac 6 )))
(fun fac (else (== #1 0 )(return 1 )(return (* #1 (call fac (- #1 1 ))))))

                    . . .
     You will get the file "fac.obj" as an output file.  It is an object file that is executable under Som VM (a kind of virtual machine similar to JVM). You can "run" it under somv2x.

D:\prabhas\bag\rz\rz33\test>somv2x fac.obj

     That's it.  Enjoy!

2.  (Do not have to hand in anything)   Download rz33-1  and try to compile the source.  Use the executable  rz33.exe and somv2x.exe to compile and run your program.   Learn how to write in Rz by reading  Quick Start Rz.
3.  Write a parser for FB language. 
4.   Read "How to compute First and Follow set"
5.  Given Rz grammar  here, find its First and Follow sets.  Restrict the grammar to be the left column only.  To reduce the size of the grammar, all non-terminal symbols that appear at the right column are considered to be terminal symbols.


Write a short report of your study on the topic of "The relationship of scripting languages and compilers/interpreters".  The report must include:
1)   A short description of your chosen language  (scripting language:  javascript, python, php, etc.)
2)   Ask yourself  how this language is compiled?   Or what it is virtual machine?
3)   Collect information and digest it then write in your own language. 
4)   Expect around 4 pages of report.
5)   Hand in by 13 July 2012, 4pm.  I will not accept any submission after this time.

This will consume about 6-9 hours of your time.  The report can be in either Thai or English.
