Tutorial 1


1 introduction
2 variable, expression
3 if, loop
4 string, file
5 simple list

  type: integer, float, string
  x in range()
  c in ... string ...

if cond: do_true else: do_false
while cond: do_body
for x in ...: do_body


     inp = input().strip()
     rec = input().strip().split()



1  numeric 
2  transform string
3  numeric + string

use input file

4  count the number of 1 in string {0,1}*
5  max of 3 using if
6  count inventory record

7  input is two set of numbers, output all possible pairs (two nested loops)
8  input is two strings of equal size, output is one string alternate between each character of each input string.
9  input is a matrix represented by one row of numbers.  write a program to output its transpose using the similar representation.

input file and output

1)  sin x is defined as

sin x = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - x^7/7! + . . .

1.1) Write a program that input x and output sin x by calculating according to this definition, using only up to x^7. 

1.2) Compare the value of sin x in 1.1 with the value using math.sin(x)

hint: x unit is radian
use: import math

2)  Input string is in the set {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} and the corresponding output string is the set {X,Y,Z,I,J,K,L,M}. Write a program that accepts the input string and transform it to the output string.

for example
input   ACDF
output  XZIK

get each character from input by
   for c in in_string
get the index of c by

3)  input string is in the set {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} and the corresponding value of each character is the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}. Write a program that accepts the input string and change each character to its value then output the sum of all values.

for example
input   ACDF
output  14

hint:  similar to 2) but index and get the value of each character then sum it up.

use input file

4)  Input is binary string of arbitrary lenght {0,1}*.  Output is the number of 1 in the string.  The input file has 10 records. 

input 100001111
output 5

hint:  get each character from input-string.

5)  Input is 3 numbers.  Write a program using a decision tree to find the max number. Each line of input file has 3 numbers. Output the max number.  Read input file until the end of file.

input 3 4 5
output 5

hint:  You have to draw the decision tree, comparing two numbers at a time.
to read until the end of file use
   for line in infile:

6) The inventory consists of T-shirt with two colors {red,blue} and two sizes {big,small}.  The input file has the following form:

product_ID  color  size

1234  red  big
1246  blue small

write a program to read the input file and count the inventory of each category:
{red-big, red-small, blue-big, blue-small} and output that count.

for example

346  red big
2678  blue small
135  blue small
467  red big

2 0 0 2

to read until the end of file use
   for line in infile:

to get each field in a line use

then access each field by index.

then use if..else  to count each category.

7) two nested loop: input is two set of numbers, output all possible pairs in the following format:  read input until end of file

1 2 3
10 20 30

1 10 1 20 1 30
2 10 2 20 2 30
3 10 3 20 3 30

hint: keep each input in lists.  using indexing the list to build output.

  rec = input.strip().split()

rec will be a list of each input field
index into rec[i] to get each number.

8)  write a program to merger two strings.  input is two strings of equal size, output is one string alternate between each character of each input string.



hint: convert each input string into list. use index into each character to merge into the output.  Build the output string by concatenation (operator + on string)

9)  Transpose matrix 3 x 3.  input is a matrix represented by one row of numbers.  write a program to output its transpose using the similar representation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     

is the matrix
     1 2 3
     4 5 6
     7 8 9

1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9

which is the matrix
     1 4 7
     2 5 8
     3 6 9


last update 9 Feb 2016