Research tools

by Prabhas Chongstitvatana and Sunisa Rimcharoen
Presentation by Sukrit Sinthupinyo  (ppt )


    Learn to use Latex  (using MikTex open source tool)
    Learn to do references
    Somchai Prasitjutrakul may teach how to do math and citation in Word (using field codes)

Follow these instructions

Try latex  using MikTex
install the package
read "texmf\doc\miktex\install.pdf"
check installation is working
run "latex sample2e"
see the output use "dviviewer"
open "Document and setting\piak\sample2e.dvi"

try to edit
copy "texmf\tex\base\sample2e.tex" to

Run latex
edit "prabhas.tex"
run "latex prabhas"
view the result  "prabhas.dvi"

try to include each additional item and run latex and view the result separately to see its effect.
(and also some error, so that you know how to debug!)

Watch these !
On the "table" example, where the table is displayed?
On citation and Bibliography section, what is the effect?

You can create an entry in the bibliography directly or you can make a bibfile. 

Note on citation

An item in the bibliography section can be cited in the text. You have to run "latex prabhas" twice to get the citation to appear.  The first run creates an index, the second run uses the index to properly retrieve the reference to the citation.


Executable for small-miktex-2.4.1705.exe     (binary  25 Mbytes)
Here is the instruction how to install MixTex
Here is the text file of Latex items that you will use.
Here is "prabhas.tex" file that you will use to start your experiment.

Some plain text editors
    Turbo Pascal 7.0
    Cu Writer for Window 77

Happy Latexing  !

14 June 2008