Calculations using stack.
Because a stack is LIFO, any operation must access
data item from the top. Stack doesn't need
'addressing' as it is implicit in the operators which use stack.
Any expression can be transforms
into a postfix order and stack can be use to evaluate that expression
without the need for explicitly
locate any variable. For example,
B + C - D ==>
B C + D - (post
push val B, push val
C, add, push val D, sub.
A = B ==>
A B =
push ads A, push val
B, store.
Where add, takes top two items from stack add them and push the result
back to stack, similarly
sub operators. Store takes one value and one address from stack
and store value to address.
Let's compare the above expression to the calculation using registers.
B + C - D
load r0, B
load r1, C
add r0, r1 ;; r0+r1 -> r0
load r2, D
sub r0, r2
A = B
load r0, ads A
load r1, val B
store r1, (r0) ;; r1 --> (r0)
One can see that the main difference is that registers
must be allocated, for example, r0 is used
to store temporary result while in stack machine the temporary storage
is implicit.
Calling subroutines
The stack structure also plays an important role
in the calling of subroutines (or function calls).
When a program transfers the control to another section of program,
the current state of
computation is saved (composed of Program Counter, local variables,
and other values). The
place where the state of computation is saved is called 'activation
record'. When an execution of a
subroutine is completed the previous state of computation is restored
(this action is called 'return
from subroutines'). Because many of today programming languages
are 'structured' or 'block
oriented' the creation and deletion of activation records behave like
LIFO. Stack is used to store
activation records.
f(A) call g(B,C)
Act Rec: fp',sp',pc',
A, ...
fp, sp, pc , B, C,... <-- TOP
where fp is frame pointer, sp is stack pointer, pc
is current program pointer, pc' is previous pc
A is local variable of f. B,C are local variables of g.
frame pointer link activation records
together. Stack pointer points to current stack, use for storing
temporary value of current calculation.
Parameters passing by stack
old frame <- frame pointer
x2 <- stack
ret :: frame 1
fp0 <-- <- fp1
x1 |
x2 |
ret | :: frame 2
fp1 --- <- fp2
y2 <- stack
Stack of stack machines
From the above observation, stack machines use stack
to store temporary value during
calculation and also activation records during transfer of control
to subroutines. Whereas in
register machines register must be allocated explicitly to store temporary
values and explicit LIFO
manipulation must be done (via some kind of pointer) to handle activation
Current languages that use stack
There are a number of contemporary programming languages
that use stack abstraction, for
example, Forth, Postscript. Also many languages use 'virtual
machine' model to implement their
executable representations. Pascal has P-system, Smalltalk uses
stack for calculation, JAVA has
byte-code that use stack model. My own work on concurrent real-time
language R1, uses stack
machine as 'virtual machine'.
Example of stack ISA
Let we ignore local variables (therefore reduce the complication
of an activation record) and
illustrate an ISA that is based on stack machine. We need load,
store, arithmetic operators,
call, return and for flow of control we use conventional jump and branch.
notation: TOP is the item on top of stack, NEXT is an item below
TOP (therefore we can talk about 2 operands on stack by TOP, NEXT)
M[ads] value of memory at ads. pop a is TOP --> a, pop2
pop two
items off stack.
lit #a ;; push the immediate value a.
load ;; pop a, push M[a].
store ;; NEXT -> M[TOP], pop2.
add ;; NEXT + TOP -> a, pop2,
push a.
cmp ;; if NEXT > TOP a = 1
else a = 0, pop2, push a.
call ;; pop a, create new activation
record, goto a.
return ;; delete current activation record,
go back pc'.
Please notice that except lit #a which has #a as argument, all other
instructions have argument(s)
implicit in the stack. The state of computation consisted of
a stack pointer and a program counter.
If we have two stacks one for computation and one for activation
record (called control stack) we
will need only to store the program counter (return address) in the
activation record and there is
no need to do anything to computation stack on subroutine calls.
Calling a subroutine will need
just push the current program counter (return address) onto the control
stack. Returning is just
pop the control stack and restore the previous program counter.
Pure stack machine
If we don't have local variables how can operands
in the computation stack are accessed? With
exception for the top two items all other items are difficult to get
to. We need to be able to reorder
and copy a number of items in the stack in order to use them.
The following instructions did that :
dup ;; duplicate TOP
swap ;; swap TOP and NEXT
rot ;; 1,2,3 -> 3,1,2 get the third
item to the top
over ;; copy NEXT to TOP , 1,2 -> 2,1,2
These are just some of the possible instructions. An example
of their use:
f(X,Y) = X*X + Y*Y
X and Y are the top two items on computation stack when call
dup mul ;; X*X
swap ;;
Y, X*X
dup mul add ;; Y*Y + X*X
Thinking about rearranging items on stack make it difficult to use pure
stack instructions. Having
variables avoids the reordering of items on stack because a variable
can be accessed by using
its name. However, current compilation techniques can handle
the ordering of stack items
therefore it frees a programmer from this low level detail.
Example of program : bubble sort
This example shows how a high level language program can be translated
into ISA of a stack
Given a[n] an array of integer, the bubble sort program sorts the items
in a[] in ascending order.
Initially, i=0, j=0.
while( i < n ) {
while( j < n ) {
if( a[j] > a[j+1] ) {
t = a[j];
a[j] = a[j+1];
a[j+1] = t;
j = j+1;
i = i+1;
Data segment (word)
1: t
2: i
3: j
4: n
5: a[0]
6: ...
Code segment (byte)
68:rval 3 rval 4 lt
75:jz 187
78:rval 2 rval 4 lt
88:lval 5 rval 2 index load
lval 1 rval 2 lit 1 add index load
109:jz 159
112:lval 1 lval 5 rval 2 index load store
124:lval 5 rval 2 index
lval 5 rval 2 lit 1 add index load
144:lval 5 rval 2 lit 1 add index rval 1 store
159:lval 2 rval 2 lit 1 add store
170:jmp 78
173:lval 3 rval 3 lit 1 add store
184:jmp 68
lval ads is lit #ads
rval ads is lit #ads load
index is add
jz is jump if TOP = 0
jmp is unconditional jump
Stack machines are arguable almost the simplest
kind architecture. Its LIFO structure is quite
suitable for block-oriented language. The code size for a stack
machine can be very compact
because most instructions have no operand field. Stack architecture
used to be very popular
method to implement high level language machine. Most of modern
register machines are faster
but there is some 'renewal' effort to improve stack architecture.
Notably, Sun's Picojava processor which aims to execute JAVA virtual machine
byte-code. Stack architecture may prove to be
suitable for the machine in the future.