published in Proc. of National Conference on Computing and
Information Technology, Thailand, May 9-10, 2012.
A Heuristic Approach to Improve The Decision Tree of Product
Acceptance in Hard Drive Manufacturing
Siltepavet, A.,
Sinthupinyo, S., and Chongstitvatana, P.,
Department of Computer Engineering
Chulalongkorn University
This paper is aimed at constructing a model which can improve
quality of products in hard drive manufacturing by Decision Tree
Learning technique. The output model is a guide line for parameters
adjustment in the development-process. It advises the best method to
adjust controllable parameters that take the maximum pass-pieces.
The analysis of this model is divided into two parts. The first part
provides an analysis on a decision tree that can determine the
parameters which affect the quality of the work-pieces. In the
second part, the adjustability of the parameter is discussed and
analyzed whether it can be adjusted. Furthermore, two approaches are
illustrated to identify the adjustment methods, i.e. the
Maximum-Fail First search, the Minimum-Fail First search then the
best method which gains more quantity of pass-pieces will be
Keyword: Decision Tree, Hard drive Manufacturing, Improving Quality
of Product.