Raschada Nootjrat and Wachara Chantatub
IT in Business Program,
Chulalongkorn Business School, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, Thailand
examined if the formal leader was centrally connected in team’s social
the team cohesion-performance effect in team was strengthen or weaken.
From the
data collected from 8 software development teams, 150 members in total
in a branch
of a global software development company in Thailand, the result
suggested that
teams with high-central leader in task-advice network had stronger team
cohesion-performance effect than teams with low-central leader. The
high-central leader in friendship network had less influence on team
cohesion-performance effect. Using person-to-person relationships data
collected from the questionnaire, a social network analysis of the
influences in the team discovers that the connection between the leader
members has positive results to team cohesion and performance. The
leader played an important role in connecting many members and
subgroups in team.
Keywords: project team; leader centrality; team cohesion; team
performance; social networks
published in International Journal of Business and Information, September 2015 (Vol 10, No. 3), ISSN 1728-8673.