Knowledge management system for failure analysis in hard disk using case-based reasoning
Parinya Wichawong and Prabhas Chongstitvatana
18th Int Conf on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2017), June 26-28, 2017, Japan.
Abstract— Hard disk failure is a serious problem in term of product
quality and credibility to customers. All hard disk drive companies need
to be aware and address how to get rid of failure and prevent the repeat
of the problem in their products. The quality of failure analysis process
depends on the person who has most experience. It would not be so
efficient if the company has no experienced person to perform the
analysis. A knowledge management system can store the knowledge of
experienced engineers. It can help new engineers to learn the craft. It
would reduce a knowledge gap issues and bring up efficiency for failure
solving process. This paper presents a design and implementation of
knowledge management system for failure analysis in hard disk with
case-based reasoning. The existing cases are stored and a new case can be
compared to the existing one in order to retrieve the relevant existing
knowledge to help the analysis. Once the new case is solved, it can be
stored to aid the future cases. A prototype of the system has been
implemented and the assessment of user satisfaction shows that it can
improved the failure analysis process effectively.