Abnormality Detection in Hard Disk Drive Assembly Process Using Support
Vector Machine
Masayuti Simongyi and Prabhas Chongstitvatana
submit to ECTI-CON 2018, July 18 – 21, Chiang Rai, Thailand
The research proposes a method to detect abnormality in assembly of a hard
disk drive. Machine learning techniques are employed to recognise the
behavior of good and bad components. Both good and bad components of disk
drive assembly are collected from the assembly line. To test the
components, the current in voice coil motor is measured and collected for
using as training data set. Since the amount of abnormal drive in hard
disk drive assembly process is very small, this paper also set the
experiment of varying amount of training data set that can satisfy
practical hard disk drive assembly process. Support Vector machine is
chosen as it is very good in binary classification. It is found to be
suitable for this task.