Relevant statistics about Prabhas Chongstitvatana's publications

Counting on my publication page, total number of publications up to December 2022 is 255 articles, 2 book chapters and 4 textbooks.

Searching on the web found the following:

retrieve on 15 December 2022

Searching "Google scholar" with "Prabhas Chongstitvatana", Citations: 1688, h-index 20, i10-index 46,

Searching "Scopus" with (authors) "Chongstitvatana P" found 124 documents, citations 746, h-index 14.

Searching "IEEE explore" with (authors) "P. Chongstitvatana ", "Prabhas Chongstitvatana"  found 73 documents.

Chart of the number of publications  1997- September 2022

publication chart 1997-2022


last update  15 December 2022