S1 microprogram simulator package

Compile and test under Turbo C v2.0

file-list :
s1m.h, s1m.c, supportm.c     simulator files
mpgm.txt                                 microprogram file used by s1m.c
in.obj                                       test machine code
mgen.c, hash.c                       microprogram generator
mspec.txt                                 input microprogram in human readable form
s1mx.txt                                   explain S1 instruction set and microprogram format.

Run mgen.exe, it takes input from mspec.txt and outputs a microprogram
in the form that s1m.exe can read. (see mpgm.txt)

S1 microprogram bit position and coding form

bit field signal

0  dest   r
1         pc
2         ir
3         mar
4         mdr
5  src    r
6         pc
7         ir
8         mar
9         mdr
10        t
11 selr   ir:r0
12        ir:r1
13        ir:r2
14        ir:r1,r2
15 alu    pass1
16        add
17        sub
18        add1
19 mctl   rd
20        wr
21 misc   pc+1
22 cond   u
23        mrdy
24        testcc
25        decode
26 goto   5 bits 26..30

How to use mgen.c to generate microprogram

Mgen takes input from microprogram specification which is a readable form
that human programmer wrote.  Mgen is a simple macro processor that
substitute symbolic names with numeric values (set microprogram bits).
The output is in the form :
aaaa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

where nn is the number of microword, aaaa is address and xxxxx... is
the microprogram bit.  xxx... begins at the column 5.

Input to mgen is in a simple form as follows :

.w N      // width of microword N bits
.a B E    // bit position of Goto field, B start, E end
.s        // start symbolic name section
name bit  // "name" is the signal at "bit" position
.m        // start microprogram section
:label name name ...  /label ;
          // lable begins with ":"
          // name is signal name
          // /label is in Goto field
          // ";" end a microword spec.
.e        end of microprogram spec.

Example from mspec.txt (comment shows here for explanation, no comments are allowed in mspec.txt).

.w 31       // width 31 bits
.a 26 30    // Goto start at bit 26 end at 30
.s          // symbol section
dr   0      // dest R bit 0
dpc  1      // dest PC bit 1
sub  17     // alu sub bit 17
add1 18
mrd  19     // memory read bit 19
mwr  20
pc+1 21
u    22     // Cond uncond bit 22
mrdy 23
testcc 24
decode 25
.m                              // microprogram section
:ifetch dmar spc ;              // <ifetch> MAR = PC
:w0     mrd mrdy /w0 ;          // MDR = M[MAR]; MREAD  MRDY w0
        dir smdr pc+1 decode ;  // IR = MDR; PC = PC + 1  DECODE
:load   dmar sir:ads ;          // <load> MAR = IR:ADS
:w1     mrd mrdy /w1 ;
        dr smdr ir:r0 u /ifetch ;
.e                              // end

This is the output (from mpgm.txt )

  0 0001001000000000000000000000000
  1 0000000000000000000100010000001
  2 0010000001000000000001000100000
  3 0001000100000000000000000000000
  4 0000000000000000000100010000100
  5 1000000001010000000000100000000
  6 0001000100000000000000000000000
 27 0100000100000000000000100000000
 28 0100010000001000000000100000000

S1m microprogram simulator reads this microprogram (mpgm.txt) to instantiate its microstore.  S1m runs the same machine code program as S1, such as "in.obj" which is sum(a[0]..a[n]). The "in.obj" executed 1109 instructions 6054 clocks with CPI = 5.46

26 July 1998
Prabhas Chongstitvatana