Department of
(draft version: December 2010)
More example and language tutorial
som0 (first integration of som)
To study programming is to do programming. Program is an interesting artifact that can be very fascinating. The best way to learn is to enjoy it by doing it. This book will introduce you to a journey of creating a computer language. The story tells an evolution of a computer language, its internal working mechanism and the ideas behind it. The medium of this journey is a computer language and its accompany source code and executable code, called Som language. All the materials can be found at:
It requires skill which is
acquired through a lot of practice. Its foundation lays in
mathematics. The study of programs as an object in itself is interesting
and useful. By such study we can understand more thoroughly the
relationship between a program and the result we want it to accomplish.
It is my intension in this short lecture to initiate you towards the study of
programs. Hopefully, to give you some insight into programming but my
higher hope is to make you appreciate programs as beautiful man-made objects.
(Picture of a girl drew by my young daughter)
Som is a simple language that
is complete enough to be self-hosting, that is, its compiler and its virtual
machine are written in Som. It is small. The whole package is around
2,000 lines of code written in Som so it can be read and understood by one
person in a short time. Som language has been used in teaching computer
architecture, compiler and machine language in my classes for the past 10
years. Its compiler front end is driven by an automatically generated
parser. The parser generator in Som is provided. The back end is easily retargeted
to different machine languages.
Here is a sample of the language: Matrix multiplication with macro
: index i j = (i * N) + j
// this is a macro
to matmul | i j s k =
for i 0 N-1
for j 0 N-1
s = 0
for k 0 N-1
s = s + (a[index i k] * b[index k j])
c[index i j]
= s
Som's virtual machine has an interesting development. It started the life
as a zero-address (stack-based) instruction set and evolved through one-address
and then three-address formats. In fact, the history of Som's virtual
machine read like a study in instruction set evolution. Som's environment
includes a batch-mode compiler and an interactive one. An expression can be
typed in and is evaluated immediately. Here is an example of an interactive session:
> print 2 + 3 nl
> to sq x = x * x
> print sq 4 nl
If you are curious about language design, compiler construction or virtual
machine instructions, then you are welcome to try Som. The package is
extremely small. All source files and the executable virtual machine plus
the compiler object is under 200K bytes. The release includes all source of
compiler system (in Som) and the virtual machine (in C). The executable vm is compiled
on Windows XP platform,
PS. “Som” is usually a nickname of a girl in Thai language. “Som” is translated to English as a colour “orange” or a fruit “orange” or “tangerine”.
The aim of Som language is for teaching. It has been used in computer architecture class to teach how high level programming languages and machine codes are related. The whole language translation process is simple enough that students can modify it to generate code for their projects easily. Som has a familiar syntax, infix operators and it is designed to be minimal. The basic element in Som is an expression. An expression returns a value. A variable is evaluated to its value. Som has a minimal set of operators. It has small set of reserved words:
to, if, else, while, for, case, break, enum.
+ - * / %
& | ! ^ << >>
relation: ==
!= < <= >= >
assignment: =
other: array (memory
Som has three types of variable: global, local, and array. A global variable
must be declared outside a function definition before it is used. A local
variable's scope is in its defined function. An array variable has its
space allocated by calling the "array" operators and assigns
the return value to the array variable. If an array variable is defined
outside a function definition, i.e. global, it is static. A static memory
is in data segment. The compiler knows the base address at compile time
and can perform some optimisation to achieve faster execution. An array
that is defined inside a function definition, i.e. local, is dynamic. Its
space is allocated in the heap. The life time of a dynamic memory depends
on the use. When there is no reference to it, it is said to be
garbage. The run-time system may support garbage collection. Som's
programming environment allows using indentation for grouping expressions.
Example: a program to solve
num = array
4 // a global array variable
// define function "mov" with 3 arguments: n, from, t
// and one local variable: other
to mov n from t | other =
if n == 1
num[from] = num[from] - 1
num[t] = num[t] + 1
other = 6 - from - t
mov n-1 from other
mov 1 from t
mov n-1 other t
interactive mode
disk = 3
num[0] = 0
num[1] = disk
num[2] = 0
num[3] = 0
mov disk 1 3
* zero or more times
+ one or more times
[..] optional
' constant symbol
Indentation is used for grouping, optionally braces can be used '{ '}
-> 'to fundef | ex
fundef -> id args '= ex
args -> id* ['| id+ ]
ex -> '{ ex* '} | ex1
ex1 ->
'if ex0 [ 'else ex ] |
'while ex0 ex |
'for lvar ex0 ex0 ex |
'break |
'case ex0 caselist |
'enum '{ [ number ] id+ '}
id '= ex0 |
-> caseitem | '{ caseitem+ '}
caseitem -> number ': ex | 'else ': ex
ex0 -> term term*
term ->
number | id | vec |
fun ex0* |
'! ex0 |
'array ex0 |
'( ex0 ')
vec -> id '[ ex0 ']
bop -> '+ | '- | '* | '/ | '& | '| | '^ |
'== | '!= | '< | '<= | '>= | '> | '% | '<< | '>>
There are several interesting points about Som grammar. First, it is
expression-based. An expression returns a value. Second, the syntax allows very
compact writing with minimum number of separator and parentheses. For example,
a semicolon at the end of statement is not necessary as all operators have
known arity. Third, the language has very small vocabulary. This makes it
very easy to learn. Recursion is quite natural in Som. Look at the following
example. It is a definition of Fibonacci number.
to fib n =
if n < 3
(fib n - 1) + (fib n - 2)
Here are some elegant examples. Define some logical functions using only: if,
==, <.
to and x y = if x y else 0
to or x y = if x 1 else y
to not x = if x 0 else 1
to eq x y = x == y
to neq x y = not ( x == y )
to lt x y = x < y
to le x y = or ( x < y ) ( x == y )
to gt x y = not ( le x y )
to ge x y = not ( x < y )
For iteration (loop), there are operators: while, for, break. For branching, there are operators: if (else), case. In "for" loop, the index variable must be a local variable. "for i start end body" means:
i = start
while i <= end
i = i + 1
See the following example of the use of "for":
// fill in an array and print it
max = 10
N = array max
// array is passed by reference
to fill ar n | i =
for i 0 n-1
ar[i] = i
fill N max
The "break"
has three meanings:
1) break for loop
2) break while loop
3) force return from a function call.
This is a rather nice semantics as it is very consistent.
The case construction is an efficient way for a multiway branch. The label in each case is an integer. To help readability, "enum" is used to give labels their symbolic names. The symbol ":" makes the syntax look more familiar. A label is stored in the symbol table with a unique reference. The following example shows "case" being used to make an efficient inner interpreter loop in decode and dispatch each instruction. “case” uses a constant time (indexing) to go to the matched label.
1 tAdd tSub
while running
case opcode
tAdd : add
tSub : sub
else : error "undef opcode"
To enable input/output and other system functions, Som uses a primitive "syscall". Syscall has a variable number of arguments. The first one is a constant, the number that identifies the system function. Syscall is used to implement library functions such as print, printc, loadfile etc. The implementation of syscall is dependent on the platform. It is implemented with C in this version. Here are examples how syscall is used in the library.
to print x = syscall {1 x}
to printc c = syscall {2 c}
to getchar = syscall {3}
to loadfile fn = syscall {19 fn} // fn is som-string
to nl = syscall {2
10} // 10 is
a newline char
A syscall instruction is an escape hatch. It allows new commands to be added to the language without changing the compiler. Only the virtual machine needed to be updated. Therefore the form (number of argument, whether it outputs any value) of a particular syscall is not known when writing the compiler. An open stack coding can be used to cope with a variable number of arguments. This is easy and does not require any special treatment in parsing. However, it makes a program unreadable. See how confusing it can be in this code (from eval-s.txt):
// be careful open stack coding
// get n from user stack
a = syscall 8 //
alloc M
push a
syscall 8 needs one argument and returns one
value. The complexity arises because of open stack coding which does not
allow putting argument to syscall like this:
a = syscall 8 pop
This is syntax error because function call must know the number of argument.
An alternative to open stack coding is to use "tuple". A tuple is a special syntax form that encloses a list of arguments (similar to "block" enclosing a list of expressions). Using tuple appears frequently in the library. The token "{" "}" are used and they are similar to "block".
A string data structure in Som is implemented as an array of integer. An integer is 32-bit and contains at most 4 characters. It is right padded with 0 and terminates by an integer 0 (an extra one). This is called a packed string. It is a compromise between the ease of manipulating a string (insert and delete a character is slow) and the space efficiency (storing each character in a 32-bit integer is expensive). See the following example how to manipulate a string.
// copy s2 to s1
to strcpy s1 s2 | i =
i = 0
while s2[i] != 0
s1[i] = s2[i]
i = i + 1
s1[i] = 0
s1 = array 20
strcpy s1 "test string"
The compiler translated a constant string in the program into a constant which pointed
to data segment storing the string. Some thought must be exercised to handle
string in Som. String constant is useful in source language, for example,
to present an error message. The most convenient way to implement this is
to represent string as an array of integer and the pointer to this string is an
address of the memory and let the operator be type-specific, i.e. the operator
knows what type its argument is. The pointer to string (similar to char *
in C language) is just an integer.
To reduce the overhead of a function call, a function can be defined as a "macro". A macro definition is just like a function definition. The difference is that the body of a macro definition is substituted into the call. It is done by textual substitution (similar to a macro language). Hence, the size of a program with a macro is larger than with a function (which is reused). The advantage is that the program will be executed faster. The syntax of a macro definition is similar to a function definition, only the keyword is ":" instead of "to". For example,
: print x = syscall {1 x}
Whenever the macro appears in the program, the macro body is substituted.
to report a b =
print a
will become
to report a b =
syscall {1 a}
Macro is suitable for defining access functions such as,
to setcar a value = cell[a] =
to setcdr a value = cell[a+1] = value
to car a = if a == NIL a else cell[a]
to cdr a = if a == NIL a else cell[a+1]
These functions will be executed much faster because there is no overhead associated
with "call" and "return" such as create/destroy the stack
frame. Sometimes the use of macro can create a new control flow, for example in
the library, the "short-circuit" and/or are defined:
: or a b = if a 1
else b
: and a b = if a b else 0
These and/or evaluated their arguments just enough to decide the
outcome. This is different from the use of "&" and
"|" which always evaluate both of their arguments. A warning is
qualified here: an expression written in a macro is different from a normal
expression and can cause a subtle bug if it is used carelessly.
Example 1 Hello world
prints "hello world" // prints is in the string lib
Example 2 modulo (it is a built-in operator)
to mod m n = m - (n * (m / n))
Example 3 quick sort
20 N
a = array N
to swap i j | t =
t = a[i]
a[i] = a[j]
a[j] = t
to partition p r | x i j flag =
x = a[p]
i = p - 1
j = r + 1
flag = 1
while flag
j = j - 1
while a[j] > x
j = j - 1
i = i + 1
while a[i] < x
i = i + 1
if (i < j) swap i j else flag = 0
to quicksort p r | q =
if p < r
q = partition p r
quicksort p q
quicksort q+1 r
quicksort 0 (N - 1)
Example 4 string manipulation (part of the string lib)
// copy s1 = s2
to strcpy s1 s2 | i =
i = 0
while s2[i] != 0
s1[i] = s2[i]
i = i + 1
s1[i] = 0
// print string s1, s1 is som-string
to prints s1 | a i c1 c2 c3 c4 =
i = 0
a = s1[i]
while a != 0
c4 = a & 255
c3 = (a >> 8) & 255
c2 = (a >> 16) & 255
c1 = (a >> 24) & 255
if c1 != 0 printc c1
if c2 != 0 printc c2
if c3 != 0 printc c3
if c4 != 0 printc c4
i = i + 1
a = s1[i]
// b is a constant string, c is a dynamic array
to teststring | b c =
b = "123456"
c = array 10
strcpy c b
prints c
The language LISP is an example of a beautiful language. Its syntax is trivial and very flexible. However, it is not easy to get the matching parentheses right without the help from the editor. Functional programming languages such as Haskell also have very elegant syntax, for example pattern matching. To make a language easy to write, the number of parentheses should be minimised. The rules to reduce the amount of parenthesis are:
1) do not use parenthesis
with arguments of function call. The arity of any function is known.
2) use infix, left association, and override
with parenthesis
With these two simple rules, most parentheses are eliminated. Only
'block' must be decided. The symbols such as { } can be used. Parentheses
should not be used to group statements as it is ambiguous between using them to
indicate precedency and grouping. The lexical analyser is made so that
indentation is recognised and is converted into the proper { }, so in the
program text { } are never necessary.
Some syntax needs more carefully consideration. See the following
e -> [ e1* ] | e1
e1 -> 'if e e e | 'while e e ... | e Bop t
t -> number | ... | '( e ')
Consider "if cond e e", should the "condition" be
restricted to non-block? The same reasoning must be applied for the
"while e e". Another consideration is the use of ( ).
Here I use "(e)" which allows any expression to be ( ). Again,
should ( ) be restricted to non-block i.e. ( ) should not be used over {
}? I decide to allow full flexibility. However, semantic is not
clear. For example for assignment statement "v = e", e must return
value. Should a block return a value (perhaps the last e)? What to
do with some e that does not return value? The obvious case is "v =
e". The value returned by "if e1 e2 e3" depends on what
e2, e3 return or they may not return any value. User defined functions
may or may not return any value. If "v = e" should return a
value (so that cascading them is possible, a = b = 3) then during execution in
a loop the evaluation stack will grow. The situation is not too bad because the
stack will be clear upon returning from a function call.
<more on code generation>
The compiler takes a source file and compiles it in two
steps. The first step is to read every token (so called lexical analysis) and
generates a parse tree representing a syntax tree of the source file. In
this step a symbol table containing the names and attributes of all identifiers
in the source is also created. The second step takes the parse tree and
generates the target language. The parser is a recursive descent parser
generated automatically from Som grammar. The parser generator is explained in
a separate section. The target language is Som virtual machine
instructions. This virtual machine allows Som to be independent of
platforms which the code will be executed. It is portable across
platforms, only the virtual machine needs to be implemented on the target platform
to run all Som programs.
Som virtual machine has a long line of evolution. The first version, s-code, is
a simple stack-based instruction set. The current version, t2-code, is a high
performance three-address instruction set. To explain how the compiler
works, s-code will be used as it is very easy to understand. S-code is briefly
explained here. A full detail of s-code can be read in the chapter of
virtual machines.
S-code is a linear sequence of instructions that resemble machine codes. S-code can be executed on a stack-based virtual machine. The goal of S-code is to be a simple language. Essentially it has only around 40 instructions. Two types of instructions are zero-argument and one-argument. The zero-argument instructions do not have any argument embedded in the instructions. They take arguments from the evaluation stack, operate and push the result back to the stack. The most frequently used zero-argument instructions are the binary operators such as add, sub. The one-argument instruction has one argument embedded in the instruction. Mostly this argument is a reference to a local variable. All control instructions (jmp, call etc) need a displacement as their arguments.
s-code |
description |
add,sub,mul, |
integer arithmetic, take two operands from the stack and push the result. |
shl, shr |
take two operands: number,
no-of-bit and shift the number and push |
band, bor, |
bit-wise, take two operands from the stack and push the result. |
not |
logical, take one operand and push the result. |
eq, ne, lt, |
logical, take two operands from the stack and push (T/1, F/0). |
ldx |
take an address, an index and return data at [ads+idx]. |
stx |
take an address, an index, a value x, and store x to data at [ads+idx]. |
case |
take a value (key), compare it to
the range of label, goto |
array |
allocate x words in data segment, return ref v to the allocated data. |
s-code |
description |
lit n |
push n |
inc v |
increment local variable |
dec v |
decrement local variable |
ld v |
load a global variable, push data[v]. |
st v |
store a global variable, take a value x and store to data[v]. |
get v |
get local variable v. |
put v |
store a value x to local variable v |
call f |
call a function, create new activation record, goto f |
callt f |
tail call, use old activation record. |
ret n |
return from a function call, n is
the size of activation record. remove |
fun n |
function header, n is the number of local variables. |
jmp n |
goto pc+n |
jt n |
goto pc+n if top of stack != 0, pop |
jf n |
goto pc+n if top of stack = 0, pop |
sys n |
call a system function n, interface to external functions, the arguments are in the stack, the number of arguments can vary. |
notation: op.arg /label
if e1 e2 e3 => e1
jf.a e2 jmp.b /a e3 /b
while e1 e2 => jmp.a /b e2 /a e1 jt.b
for e1 e2 e3 => for loop
case e0 ... =>
case lit.low lit.hi jmp.else jump-table
v = e => e st.v
(global var)
=> e put.v (local var)
=> ld.v (global var)
=> get.v (local var)
f arg* => arg* call.f
=> lit.n
e1 bop e2 => e1 e2 bop
unaryop e => e unaryop
v[i] = e => ld/get.v i e stx
... = v[i] => ld/get.v i ldx ...
For loop
"for i start end body" means
i = start
while i <= end
i = i + 1
To generate S-code for “for loop” a new local variable is created
to be used to store "end". In terms of speed, it is
faster because the "end" is evaluated and stored in a local variable
just once in the initialization, so testing "if i <= end"
is faster than evaluate the expression every time around the loop. The code
generation is simple. A new local is created to store "stop"
value, let's call it "end". The simple form is: (assuming i is local)
lit start
put i
lit stop
put end
get i
get end
jf exit
inc i
jmp loop
This is inefficient as it executes two jumps (jf, jmp) per loop. The following
form requires only one jump in the loop.
lit start
put i
lit stop
put end
jmp test
inc i
get i
get end
jt loop
This is also applicable to while loop.
There are two alternatives to compile case. The first alternative is to generate table-lookup instruction of the form:
<case, else, n, value1, goto1, ... valuen, goton>
follows by the code of each case item. The code
for each case item is ended with jump to exit. (perhaps
using "break" which is transformed into jump) where n is the number
of case list, else is the default goto, value is the case label. The jump
list is sorted according to value to enable the matching (searching) in log n
time using for example binary search. This is very similar to lookup
instruction in JVM.
The above compare-and-jump table is the most general form. It can handle all
cases of "case". However it is not the most efficient
method. A jump table can be constructed that take constant time in
searching. When the case label is densed, which is usually the case, the
index can be used to access the jump table directly without search.
<case2, low, hi, else, goto1...goton>
where low, hi is the range of label. If the
index is out of range then use "else". hi-low+1
is the size of jumptable. index-lo is used to
access the gotos. This is the form we used in Som compiler. Each case
action is compiled into a normal sequence of code ended with jmp.end. The
entry into the jump table is the code "jmp" to the corresponding ex.
case e0 ecase =>
jmp.Ln // jump table
jmp.end // each case action
e-else // default action
Here is some source snippet (from bubble sort), data[ ] is a global array, maxdata = 20.
to swap a b | t =
t = data[a]
data[a] = data[b]
data[b] = t
to sort | i j =
for i 0 maxdata-1
for j 0 maxdata-2
if data[j+1] < data[j]
swap j j+1
The code below shows the output listing of S-code (from Som v 2.4).
The left column is the function swap. The right column is the inner
for-loop of sort. The local variable is numbered in reversed order (to fit the
offset from fp). For example, in swap: a is 3, b is 2,
t is 1.
45 Fun swap |
69 Lit 0 |
Som programming system is
interactive. The input source program is typed in and the compiler translates
the source into S-codes which then are executed immediately. All expressions
are stored in the code segment. We need some markers in the code segment to
mark out the defined function so that when a S-code
file is loaded it is possible to know which section is to be executed
immediately and which section is the function definition. The symbol table
is not required when executing the S-code. However the presence of a symbol
table facilitates the debugging.
A defined function is marked in CS by "fun m" and ended with
"ret n". The layout in CS is like this:
to name arg* e => fun m, ... body ..., ret n.
At the toplevel, evaluating an expression returns a value which may or may not
be used. The unused values are accumulated and they are purged when
"ret" is performed.
e => e end
The action at the toplevel is as follows. Once S-code is loaded (or
having been translated into CS), the execution begins. The state of
computation is created causing changes in DS and SS. The "end"
will return the control back to the console.
A parser generator takes a grammar (in some form) of a language and generates a parser for that language. The parser generator generates Som parser. The grammar of the parser to be the input of the generator is described as follows:
grammar -> 'string | rule | 'eof
rule -> 'id rule2
rule2 -> '= es | '[ var
var -> 'id var | '] '= es
es -> e1 es | '| es | '%
e1 -> 'id | 'string
'string is passed through. It is the
"action" part of the generator. If 'id
is a terminal symbol, it is a token name (tkEQ ...). If 'id is a
nonterminal symbol, it is the rule name appeared on the left hand side of other
rules. '| indicates alternatives. '% terminates a rule. The terminal 'nil
indicates empty match (always match).
Example This grammar:
args =
tkIDEN "enterLocal tokvalue" args |
tkBAR "ypush Nlv" local |
"ypush Nlv" nil %
ex =
tkBB "ypush MARK" exs tkBE "doblock" |
ex1 %
turned into Som parser:
to args =
while tok == tkIDEN
enterLocal tokvalue
if tok == tkBAR
ypush Nlv
commit local
1 break
ypush Nlv
to ex =
if tok == tkBB
ypush MARK
commit exs
expect tkBE
1 break
if ex1
1 break
A rule always returns 0 (fail) or 1 (success). As this is really a
one-look-ahead parser, returning a 0 means there is an error. An
alternative consists of several "match" tokens. The first match
is handled differently from the rest. If a token starts with
"tk" (tkXX), it is a terminal symbol,
otherwise it is a nonterminal symbol.
match first token
tkXX -> if tok == tkXX
nonterm -> if nonterm
match other token
tkXX -> expect tkXX
nonterm -> commit nonterm
A match token is followed by "lex" to move over this input
token but if there is a string (pass through), "lex" is will be
placed after the string.
ex1 =
tkIF ex0 ex ... |
tkBREAK "ypush newatom"
to ex1 =
if tok == tkIF
commit ex0
commit ex
if tok == tkBREAK
ypush newatom
An alternative is ended with "1 break" and a rule is ended with
"0" except when the last one is "nil", then it is 1 (always
ex = ... | ex1 %
to ex =
if ex1
1 break
When an alternative is recursive, "while" loop is used.
local =
tkIDEN "enterLocal tokvalue" local |
nil %
to local =
while tok == tkIDEN
enterLocal tokvalue
When there is multi-choice and the first set are all terminals then a more
efficient branch, "case", is used.
bop =
tkPLUS "ypush tok" |
tkMINUS "ypush tok" |
tkSTAR "ypush tok" %
to bop =
case tok
ypush tok lex 1 break
ypush tok lex 1 break
ypush tok lex 1 break
The following paragraphs are a short description of how the generator works. It is best read side-by-side with the source code (this is only the main part, for the complete source please see the package ). Grammar is read by a lex syscall in vm (of som 4.2 vm). This lexical analyser knows Som tokens. (If the built-in lex is not used then one can use lex in som from token-s.txt from som 4.1 and earlier). The input grammar has the following form:
grammar -> 'string | rule | 'eof
rule -> 'id rule2
-> '= es |
'[ var
var -> 'id var | '] '= es
es -> e1 es | '| es | '%
-> 'id | 'string
Two lists are built from the input grammar. One list is for
the "header" and the other list is all rules from the grammar. The
parser that parses the input grammar is a recursive descent parser. The
output of the parser are all rules that have this form:
((lhs1 (var)(alt1)(alt2)...)
Each symbol is tagged (type.value) where
value = pointer to its print-string
Each token is tagged. A rule in the input grammar is transformed to a list of
alternatives and rules. After the input grammar is parsed, the generation of an
output parser from the list of rules is done for each rule. The generator
extracts the "lhs" (head) of the rule and generates alternatives. Each
alternative is checked for recursion. Each match in the grammar is transformed
into the appropriate output. The first match is different from the rest. The
last match is ignored if the rule is recursive. Finally, the end rule is generated.
The main goal of this parser generator is to generate "multiway
branch" (switch, case). It will be compiled into a much faster
code. Previously, the parser has been hand-coded in this part. To
decide if a rule needs a multiway branch, there are 3 factors:
1) it must not contain recursion
2) it has more than two choices (otherwise if..then
else is sufficient).
3) all choices except the last one must
has tkXX (non terminal symbol) as the first set.
ex1 =
tkENUM tkBB elist tkBE "ypush NIL" |
tkBREAK "ypush newatom OPER tkBREAK" |
exas %
to ex1 =
case tok
tkENUM: ...
tkBREAK: ...
if exas
1 break
It should be fine to do "commit exas" but it causes parsing error. This
dues to the way "exas" works (and this is the most difficult bug to
track down). In the end, this is a good parser generator in ~700 lines of
Here is the data structure of Som parse tree.
A list is linked dot-pairs. A dot-pair has two fields:
head.tail. The head can be either a dot-pair or an atom. The tail
is a pointer points to list or nil (end of list). An atom has two fields:
type.value. An atom is distinguishable from a dot-pair because its
type field has a small value (0..9), this value is
less than any pointer to dot-pair.
Example of a list of A, B, C is (A B
oper.op gname.idx lname.idx string.str num.value
add sub mul div eq ne lt le gt ge not band bor bxor
mod shl shr set vec mac fun call mx if ifelse while for
break array case sys
fun/mac definition (
gname.idx e...)
(oper.for lv ex0 ex0 ex)
(oper.while ex0 ex)
(oper.if ex0 ex)
(oper.ifelse ex0 ex ex)
( ex0 block)
(oper.set var ex)
( gname.idx e...)
(oper.block e...)
syscall (oper.sys
num.value e...)
gname.idx lname.idx
(oper.vec var ex)
to sort | i j =
for i 0 maxdata-1
for j 0 maxdata-2
if data[j+1] < data[j]
swap j j+1
(fun sort
(for #1 0 (- 20 1 )
(for #2 0 (- 20 2 )
(if (< (vec data (+ #2 1 ))(vec data #2 ))
(call swap #2 (+ #2 1 )))))))
: print x = syscall
{1 x}
(mac print (sys 1 #1 ))
encoding of type (0..9)
sp 0 oper 1 num 2 gname 3 lname 4
* 5 string 6
encoding of op
mul 50 div 51
sub 52 add 53 set 54
eq 55 band 56 bor
57 bxor 58 mod 59
not 60 ne 61 lt
62 le 63 shl 64
gt 65 ge 66 shr
67 mac 68 * 69
* 70 vec 71 mx
72 block 73 call 74
fun 75 if 76 ifelse 77
while 78 for 79
break 80 array 81 case 82 *
83 sys 84
S-code is intentionally kept simple and minimal to make it easy to be changed. Most of the optimisation described here has been done for a variety of reason. However, the basic Som system employs just a few of these optimisation. Specifically the following: inc v, dec v, short cut jmp to ret, jmp to jmp. In performing the code optimisation, the goal is to reduce the number of instruction executed. This is related to the speed of virtual machine execution. For example, by combining two instructions to make a new instruction, this new instruction is more complex hence taking more time to execute them. However, as the semantic of instruction does not change, the new instruction performs the same amount of work as several old instructions. The execution speed of the virtual machine stems from the reduction in its overhead. The virtual machine is implemented as a big while switch loop:
fetch op code at ip
while no exception
decode and execute by
switch op
case add : do ...
ip = ip + 1
Each time through the loop takes some overhead. Reducing the number
instruction also reduce the number of time through this loop. Hence the
new instruction makes it faster.
get lv, lit 1, add, put lv -> inc lv
and vice versa for dec. Increment uses quite
often and it replaces 5 instructions which is significant saving. It is
observed that the sequence:
ld ip, lit 1, add, st ip
occurs frequently and it can not be optimised to inc x
because the argument is not a local variable. The sequence "lit n,
add" or "lit n, sub" can be substituted by "addi n",
where n can be positive and negative. The optimised codes are for
performance reason, they are not absolute necessity. The markers are not
executable. They are for compiler internal use to help generate the correct
executable. This set is more or less a typical stack-virtual-machine
instruction set. It is not too much different from JVM. JVM set is much larger
with more data types. Translating S-code to JVM should be straight
1. change break to jump
scan for the matched innermost loop of break: efor, ewhile, ret, end. Patch jmp
to that location. case is not a loop, break in case
must break loop, or return from function call. Strictly speaking this is not an
optimization. It is a usual code generation.
2. short cut the jump to jump, jmp to ret
3. ewhile to nop
4. a
= a + 1 => inc a (if a is
local) and similarly -1 for dec
5. combine conditional jump
conditional: eq, lt, le, ge, gt
jump: jt,
to: jeq,
jlt, jle, jge, jgt
Two special instructions for implementing for loop are: ifor, efor. In the ideal case ifor and efor should have three arguments, the two local variables to do “i <= end” and the jump offset. However, to conform to one argument format, the trick is the use a "pair" of consecutive local variable. Therefore only one argument needed to be specified. To remove the "offset" argument from the instruction, ifor/efor v1 v2 offset is splited into two instructions. One is to ifor/efor and follows by another instruction, "jump". When ifor/efor is evaluated to be false, it skips the next instruction. This can be paraphrased as "test and jump next instruction if false". ifor does the initialisation of the index variable and calculates the end value and stores it in the "end" variable. This allows the end value to be evaluated only once. The assumption that the end value is never changed in the body of loop must hold.
ifor v1 (start end -- )
follows by jmp end_for
“ifor” uses a pair of locals, v1 v2, to
store index and end values.
v1 = start (index)
v2 = end
efor v1 ( -- )
follows by jmp begin_for
“efor” uses a pair of locals, v1 v2, that
store index and end values.
The instruction “ifor” takes two items from stack "start, end"
and stored their values to v1 and v2. If v1 > v2 then jump out of the loop
by executing the next instruction. Otherwise it skips the next
instruction. The instruction “efor” is at the end of
body. It increments v1, and tests if v1 <= v2 then executes the next
instruction which is jmp begin_for. Otherwise, the next instruction is skipped,
hence exits the for-loop.
get i
get end
jf exit
get end
inc-skip-lt i // i++, if tos < i skip next
jmp loop
“efor” reduces five instructions to three
instructions. If we can make "end" to be adjacent to “i”
(allocating "end" will be more complex) then it will reduce to two
efor i // i++, if end < i
skip next
jmp loop
These new primitives reduce the static size by another 2%, and dynamic size
8%. In terms of speed, it is also faster because the "end" is
evaluated and stored in a local variable just once in the initialization by ifor,
so testing "if i <= end" is faster than evaluate the
expression every time around the loop.
Beside simple peep-hole optimisations such as:
not jf => jt
not jt => jf
lit.0 eqv.x jf => get.x jt and its family
jmp.x to jmp.y => jmp.y ...
jmp.x to ret => ret
lit.1 jt => jmp (while 1)
There are a complex cascade jumps created by macro expansion of and/or.
Doing a good code optimisation here improve performance significantly, for
example, the 8-queen benchmark. We start the explanation with a simple case
: and a b = if a b
else 0
: or a b = if a 1 else b
- and a b
a jf.1 b jmp.2 <1> lit.0 <2>
- and (and a b) c
<--- and a b ------------->
a jf.1 b jmp.2 <1> lit.0 <2> jf.3 c jmp.4 <3> lit.0 <4>
We recognise the pattern: jf.1 to lit.0 jf.3 =>
jf.3 ... because lit.0 jf always jump. We
cannot do anything to jmp.2 to jf.3. If we move jf.3
left then it will be incorrect when it does not jump. The ideal code is
a jf.1 b jf.1 c jmp.2 <1> lit.0 <2>
But that require the code generator to be clever. Now the more difficult case
of or/or.
- or a b
a jf.1 lit.1 jmp.2 <1> b <2>
- or (or a b) c
<----- or a b ------------>
a jf.1 lit.1 jmp.2 <1> b <2> jf.3 lit.1 jmp.4 <3> c <4>
Recognising that:
lit.1 jmp.2 to jf.3 lit.1 jmp.4 => lit.1 jmp.4
This requires one look back and three look forwards. Even with different
association the code sequence remains the same.
- or a (or b c)
<----- or b c --------------->
a jf.1 lit.1 jmp.2 <1> b <2> jf.3 lit.1 jmp.4 <3> c <4>
If the cascade is mixed of and/or.
- and (or a b) c
<------ or a b ----------->
a jf.1 lit.1 jmp.2 <1> b <2> jf.3 c jmp.4 <3> lit.0 <4>
The optimisable sequence is a difficult one.
lit.1 jmp.2 to jf.3 => jmp.3
Other situation of mixing does not have any new pattern. In summary,
there are 3 cases:
Som uses indentation for grouping block statements. Grouping is done in the scanner because the scanner must know about when to start and end the group. Assume the source contains no tab (converts tab to space) to simplify the implementation. The rule to recognise block-begin block-end is:
check the column of the first token
on the new line
if col == previous proceed as normal
col > previous it is block-begin, push col
col < previous it is block-end, pop col
and repeat the check to match
The complication is in the state of lex. That lex must sometimes return
with block-begin, block-end, especially when there are many block-ends.
Care must be taken to synchronise the state of lex. Doing lookahead in parsing
an assignment expression proves to be the source of difficulty as it backtracks lex and causes confusion on lexstate. An
easy fix is do not use lex in lookahead.
To implement using indentation as block, the lexical analyser (lex) has a Finite State Machine to control its state. A transition occurs at a call to lex. The starting state is Neutral and lex returns a token. At event newline the column position is compared to the previous start column. There are three possibilities:
1) equal, returns token,
2) more than, returns block-begin and marked this (pushing it to colstack) next
state is Forward,
3) less than, returns block-end and pop the previous mark; next state is Back. block-begin and block-end are inserted by lex. The token
that is scanned from the source is kept and will outputs it at the Neutral
In Forward, the only thing to do is to output the saved token and go to
Neutral. In Back, the block-end is outputted until the matched position
for block-begin is found by poping the colstack each time lex is called, then go to Neutal. At the end of file, care must be taken to
output block-end to match the rest of block-begin by poping out the colstack
until col == 1 each time lex is called.
When parsing an assignment statement, a lookahead for '=' is done inside the
action routine instead of using lex to avoid the complex interaction with the
new lex FSM when doing backtracking (saving and restoring the lex
There are several virtual machine implementations for Som. The evolution of the design started from simplicity to performance oriented. S-code is the simplest one. Several extensions have been made to improve the performance by adding a one-address format. U-code is the design that departs from stack-based. It uses an accumulator. This allows the execution cycle of the virtual machine to be faster because of not accessing an evaluation stack. U-code also has one extension to include two-address format. The current virtual machine is a three-address format. It is a register-based instruction set, similar to modern processors.
S-code is a linear sequence of instructions that resemble
machine codes. Hence it is easy to translate the S-code to an assembly
language of any processor. The S-code can be executed on a stack-based
virtual machine. The goal of the design of S-code is to emphasis a small
number of instructions, and ease of modification. It should be reasonably
fast when interpreting. A "clean" implementation is the goal,
so that it is easy to modify or to make a new code generator. Essentially, S-code
has only around 40 instructions. Many extensions can be experimented with
easily. A fixed 32-bit instruction format is suitable. It is not
the most compact form but it is easy to generate code and reasonably fast when
interpreting. This format simplifies code address calculation and allows
code and data segment to be the same type (32-bit integer).
Two types of instructions are: zero-argument and one-argument. The
zero-argument instructions do not have any argument embedded in the
instructions. They take arguments from the evaluation stack, operate and
push the result back to the stack. The most frequently used zero-argument
instructions are the binary operators such as add, sub. The one-argument
instruction has one argument embedded in the instruction. Mostly this argument
is a reference to a local variable. All control instructions (jmp, call
etc) need a displacement as their arguments. The evaluation stack is
implicit and automatic, that means, it can not be explicitly accessed by
programmers (the stack pointer is not settable). The top-of-stack is usually
cached into a register in the virtual machine to speed up the operation.
n is a 24-bit constant (2-complement)
x is a 32-bit value
v variable reference, for a global variable, it is an index to Data segement,
for a local variable, it is an offset to a current activation record in Stack
f is a reference to Code segment.
DS[ ] data segment, SS[ ] stack segment, CS[ ] code
pc is program counter, pointed to the current
stack notation: (arg tos -- result)
s-code |
description |
stack effect |
add,sub,mul, |
integer arithmetic, take two operands from the stack and push the result. |
(a b -- a op b) |
shl, shr |
take two operands: number,
no-of-bit and shift the number and push |
(a n -- a shift n) |
band, bor, |
bit-wise, take two operands from the stack and push the result. |
(a b -- a bitop b) |
not |
logical, take one operand and push the result. |
(a -- 0/1) |
eq, ne, lt, |
logical, take two operands from the stack and push (T/1, F/0). |
(a b -- 0/1) |
ldx |
take an address, an index and return DS[ads+idx]. |
(ads idx -- |
stx |
take an address, an index, a value x, and store x to DS[ads+idx]. |
(ads idx x -- ) |
case |
take a value (key), compare it to
the range of label, goto |
(key -- ) |
array |
allocate x words in Data segment, return ref v to the allocated data. |
(x -- v) |
s-code |
description |
stack effect |
lit n |
push n |
( -- n ) |
inc v |
increment local variable, SS[fp-v]++. |
( -- ) |
dec v |
decrement local variable, SS[fp-v]--. |
( -- ) |
ld v |
load a global variable, push DS[v]. |
( -- DS[v]) |
st v |
store a global variable, take a value x and store to DS[v] = x. |
(x -- ) |
get v |
get local variable v. |
( -- SS[fp-v]) |
put v |
store a value x to local variable v, SS[fp-v] = x. |
(x -- ) |
call f |
call a function, create new activation record, goto f in CS. |
( args -- ) |
callt f |
tail call, use old activation record. |
( args -- ) |
ret n |
return from a function call, n is
the size of activation record. remove |
fun n |
function header, n is the number of local variables. |
jmp n |
goto pc+n in CS |
jt n |
goto pc+n if top of stack != 0, pop |
(0/1 --) |
jf n |
goto pc+n if top of stack = 0, pop |
(0/1 --) |
sys n |
call a system function n,
interface to external functions, the |
(args -- ) |
Each instruction is 32-bit. Right most 8-bit is the operational code. Left most 24-bit is an optional argument. This format allows simple opcode extraction by bitwise-and with a mask without shifting, but needs 8-bit right shift to extract an argument. Because zero argument instruction is more frequent, this format is fast for decoding an instruction.
1 add 2
sub 3 mul 4
div 5 band
6 bor 7 bxor 8
not 9 eq 10 ne
11 lt 12 le 13
ge 14 gt 15 shl
16 shr 17 mod 18
ldx 19 stx 20 ret
21 - 22 array 23 -
24 get 25 put
26 ld 27 st 28
jmp 29 jt 30 jf
31 lit 32 call 33 callt
34 inc 35 dec
36 sys 37 case 38 fun
[- ] reserved
An activation record stored a computation state. It resides in the stack segment. The computation state consists of: pc (return address), fp (frame pointer), all locals (local var and parameters). sp (stack pointer) needs not be stored as it will be recovered when return from a function call. The “ret” instruction knows the size of activation record. The following diagram shows the layout of an activation record in the stack segment:
hi address
retads' <- sp
fp' <- fp
lv <- lv 1
pv // no. of pv, arity of func
... <- lv n
<- sp'', sp
after return
lo address
A function call creates a new activation record. The new fp is sp + lv +
1. The value lv + 1 is the argument of "fun m", m = lv +
1. A local variable is indexed by an offset from the current fp.
When returning, "ret n", n is the size of activation record +
1. Restoring sp by (not considering the return value yet)
sp'' = fp - n
The arity of the function can be calculated from
arity = n - m
A function call does the following. Let a be an offset
to create a new frame, IP be the instruction pointer, ads be the address of the
1 SS[SP+a] = FP
2 FP = SP + a
3 SP = FP + 1
4 SS[SP] = IP + 1
5 IP = ads + 1
Line 1 saves the old FP at the new FP. Line 2 moves FP to the new
place. Line 3 sets the new SP on top of the new frame. Line 4 saves
the return address. The current instruction pointer is at the caller, therefore the return address is IP + 1. Line 5
jumps to the body of function. A tail-call (callt) does not create a new
activation record. It reuses the old one. The function parameters
are copied to the old activation record.
The return instruction is divided into two cases: return with a value, return
without any value. To return with a value, the current top-of-stack value
must be pushed to the previous evaluation stack. These two cases can be
distinguished by checking whether at the time of return, SP comes back to its
initial position or not (at the beginning of a new frame SP = FP + 1).
Let data be the offset in the return instruction.
1 IP = SS[FP+1]
2 a = TOS
3 SP = FP - data + 1
4 FP = SS[FP]
5 SS[SP] = a
Line 1 jumps to the return address. Line 2 saves the return value. Line 3
restores SP. Line 4 restores FP to the previous value hence delete the
current stack frame and moves back to the previous one. Line 5 pushes the
return value to the current evaluation stack.
1 IP = SS[FP+1]
2 SP = FP - data
3 FP = SS[FP]
Return without a value is simply restoring the return address, the previous SP
and FP.
The layout of code in "case" is as follows:
lit low
lit hi
jmp else
jump table
code of each case
case does:
1 extract
range of label: low, hi
2 if key < low or key > hi
3 pc = pc + 3 //
goto else-case
4 else
5 pc = pc+key-low+4 // goto matched label
In this implementation, the jump-table is fully-filled with the labels in the
range. Finding the matched label is simply an index calculation, a constant time
operation. This enables “case” to be fast but it consumes the
memory in the code segment as large as the range of label. This is
wasteful if the label is not densed. If the label is sparse, a binary search can be
used. The jump-table is the sorted label of the pair (label, goto
code). This is not used in this virtual machine.
The main loop is simply a decode-execute cycle using a "switch( )". Let IP be the current instruction pointer.
while(runflag )
opcode = CS[IP] & 255
data = CS[IP] >> 8
case Add: ...
The run-time data structure includes: a memory M[.], a
stack-segment SS[.], a code segment (it is relocatable), a data segment (it is
absolute). The code and data segment are in M[.].
The memory map is as follows (from lo mem to hi mem):
system area
data segment
code segment
The system area contains some values used in communicating between system functions
in the compiler and the virtual machine. The stack segment is a separate
data structure from the memory. The stack segment contains a run-time
data structure called "stack frame" used in a function call and the
evaluation stack. A pointer, FP, points to the current stack frame.
A pointer, SP, points to the evaluation stack. A stack grows from lo to hi
address. The structure of a stack frame is as follows:
<- SP
FP' <- FP
The evaluation stack is "on-top" (higher address) of the stack
frame. To pass parameters from the current context to a function, the new
stack frame is "overlapped" with the evaluation stack. The new
evaluation stack is then started at an address "after" the return
address in the new stack frame. The current top-of-stack is at:
To push a value to the evaluation stack requires:
SS[SP] = x
To pop a value from the evaluation stack is the reverse of push:
x = SS[SP]
To access a local variable in the current stack frame, a negative offset (the
reference of a local variable) is used relative to FP. For example the
first local variable is at SS[FP-1], the second
SS[FP-2] etc. It is not necessary to save SP as the "ret" instruction
contains a proper offset to restore SP back to a previous context. Similarly,
the "fun" instruction contains a proper offset to build a new stack
<to explain how to eval from Som language>
Sx-code is an extension of S-code to have additional one address. The aim is to improve the execution speed of the interpreter. As one-address will reduce the number of instruction by 30-40%, it should be faster than S-code. The decoding of zero+one address is exactly the same as zero-address s-code as the instruction has two fields: op, arg. In a sense, we get the one-address for "free". If the VM is as fast as som-v16 then by reducing the number of executed instruction by 30-40%, the new VM will be faster (even faster than Som v 1.7 which uses T-code). Chronologically Sx-code is designed after T-code. Sx-code is used in Som series 3. It is one of the largest instruction set in terms of the number of instructions.
All binary operators are extended to have one-address to access local frame, therefore in many cases the sequence "get.x get.y bop" becomes "get.x bop.y". The immediate mode stored a literal in the argument of the instruction. The sequence "get.x lit.y bop" becomes "get.x bopi.y". To blend one-address into zero-address, arg = 0 is used to indicate the top of stack addressing.
The load/store index, are extended to store the base-address in the argument. The sequence "get.base get.index ldx" becomes "get.index ldx.base". When base is global, a new instruction "ldy.base" is used. The order of argument for store index is different from S-code. The sequence "get.base get.index get.val stx" becomes "get.index get.val stx.base". When the base is global, "sty.base" is used. There is no use for the old "ldx/stx" (zero-address) as there is always the base address in either local or global. To optimise the for-loop, "efor" instruction is introduced. "efor.x" does the following:
x++, push(x <= adj(x))
where x is a local, adj(x) stored the terminal value of x. The sequence at the end of for-loop is usually "inc.x get.x get.end le jt.loop" becomes "efor.x jt.loop" where adj(x) is end. The compiler must allocate adj(x) accordingly.
Arrange the instruction so that grouping is easy.
bop-zero-arg: add..shr (1..16) (17..20 reserved)
add+20 (21..36) (37..40 reserved)
add+40 (41..56) (57..60 reserved)
other: get..calli (61..82)
zero-arg: not case end (83..85)
bop is add sub mul div band bor bxor mod
eq ne lt le ge gt shl shr
other is get put ld st ldx stx ldy
jmp jt jf call ret
- efor
inc dec lit ads sys fun calli
not case end
The instructions "fun" and "calli" are not executable. They are markers in code segment.
The aim of this design is to make a compact instruction set that is fast and has a clean semantic. Toward these goals, the instruction set has less than 50 instructions. It is a one-address format with a few two-address, based on using an accumulator. The encoding is fully decoded to allow fast virtual machine execution without decoding an instruction. The following description is for the version u2-code.
bop : add
sub mul div band bor bxor mod
eq ne lt le gt ge shl
bim : addi subi bandi bori eqi lti lei shli shri
data : ld st get put lit
vector : ldx/ stx/ ldy/ sty/ ldxa ldya
control: jmp jt jf jle/ case call callt ret
extra : fun/ sys inc dec not push
Total 50 instructions. The suffix /
indicates the instruction with two arguments.
The ldxa
ldya can shorten "putting" the result into a temporary
register (called cascading). Not all the immediate mode is included. That
will make the instruction set too fat. The logical one: nei, gti, gei can be
emulate by the inverse. The others are rarely used: muli divi xori modi.
shl and shr are added to
make the instruction set complete.
one-address op:32 arg:32
two-address op:32 a:24,b:8
v is
bop v :: AC = AC op v
a :: AC = AC op a
a :: AC = a
ld a :: AC = M[a]
st a :: M[a] = AC
get v :: AC = v
put v :: v = AC
ldy a,v ::
AC = M[M[a]+v]
sty a,v :: M[M[a]+v] = AC
ldx v1,v2 :: AC = M[v1+v2]
stx v1,v2 :: M[v1+v2] = AC
ldxa v :: AC = M[v+AC]
ldya a :: AC = M[M[a]+AC]
jt a
:: if AC != 0 pc = a
jf a :: if AC == 0 pc = a
jle a,v :: if AC <= v pc = a
call a :: if arity(a) > 0 pusha passing the
last parameter if any
create a new activation record
ret size :: delete current activation record
case lo; lit hi :: if lo <= AC <= hi skip 4+2*(AC-lo)
inc v ::
v++, AC = v
dec v :: v--, AC = v
push v :: sp++, if(v==0) M[sp]=AC else M[sp]=v
arity,size a place holder for arity,size
for loop
inc i
jle v loop
<index in AC>
case lo
lit hi
jmp else
jmp case1
jmp casen
1 add sub mul div band bor bxor
mod eq
10 ne lt le gt ge shl shr addi subi bandi
bori eqi lti lei shli shri inc dec lit sys
not push get put ld st ldxa ldya call ret
callt jmp jt jf case ldx/ stx/ ldy/ sty/ jle/
Two-addressing allows the base address to be specified in vector
instructions. Two fields are also used in "jle" which is
the variation of "efor". It is simpler
but need a modified "inc v" to work. It does not
required to "decrement" the initial index and there is no
"hidden" adjacent variable. "case"
is a long process of refinement. I think I got a good compromise here. Using
AC for "hi" value and keep "jmp" instruction in the jump
table. This design trades off the size of the code for simplicity in
semantic. The previous form is of "case" (as shown
below) is correct in sense of being one instruction without any continuation so
its semantic is clear. VM does not behave differently from executing other
instruction. VM does not fetch any argument from the next instruction.
lit hi
jmp else
jmp case1
jmp casen
The current instruction is faster but its semantic is not consistent with the
rest of the instruction set. It fetches the next instruction to be used in
deciding the transfer of control. So, the question is what do we prefer, clean
semantic or performance?
U-code stack frame has "positive" order of local variables (v is M[fp+v] ) unlike S-code. The "usual" (s-code style) has (v is M[fp-v]) backward order and required renaming of local variables. The rename process scans the code after the code body is completely generated as there may be some additional local variable allocated during the code generation. If the order is forward then renaming is not necessary.
... <- sp
<- fp
To know where fp' and retads are, the size of the activation record must be
known. It is record as the argument of the "ret"
instruction. To create a new activation record, two arguments are used:
arity, and the number of local variables. They are recorded as two arguments of
the "fun"
Passing parameters to a function requires a special treatment. The space in stack segment, SS[.] (where it stores the activation records), is used as a "virtual stack" to pass parameters to a new frame. A new instruction is created for this task: push. It pushes parameters to a virtual stack. A tail-call instruction (callt) is revived as it is appropriate. It is far simpler than trying to generate codes to pass parameters back to the old frame and do a jump. Callt is faster too (it is another "big" instruction according to our philosophy of trying to create big instruction. A "big" instruction does more in one instruction). The last parameter is passed through AC, occasionally saving one push instruction.
T-code aims for performance. S-code is a stack-based instruction set, aimed for simplicity and tends toward minimalist. In contrast, T-code is a register-based instruction set and has a richer set of operations. From the experience of designing various instruction set for real chips using mostly stack-based instruction set, many designs have fewer number of instruction executed than S-code. For example, the one-address, or the stack mixed with register (aka register window), reduces the number of instruction executed by almost half compared to pure stack-based. This observation supports the argument that using register-based instruction set improves performance. In implementing a virtual machine, the main instruction dispatch has a high cost. Therefore reducing the number of instruction executed helps reducing this cost. Another benefit is that executing each instruction for a register-based instruction may be faster due to the ability to access many arguments in one instruction. However, the cost of decoding multiple fields in an instruction may be higher than stack-based.
Almost all instructions have three-address. An exception is
"mov" instruction that has two-address. 64-bit is quite a
natural size for modern processors. There is no distinction between
global/local/immediate in the instruction format. The format is very
uniform. (This report is for t2-64-code used in Som v 5.1. Another version of
T2-code uses 96-bit format in Som v 5.0.)
3-arg a:16 c:10 op:6, b:32
2-arg d:26 op:6, b:32
add sub mul div mod and or xor shl shr eq ne lt le gt ge
control: jmp jt jf jeq jne jlt jle jgt jge fun call callt ret efor case
data: ldx stx mov push
etc: not sys
There are 38 instructions, so op code field is 6 bits. That leaves 26 bits to
be divided between two arguments. One argument should be a bit large
because it is used as displacement in conditional jump instructions, so it is
divided into 16-bit and 10-bit. The third argument, “b”, is 32
bits so it does not need decoding.
bop dest (c), src1(a), src2
(b) ;; c = a op b
ldx dest (c), idx (a), base (b)
stx src (c), idx (a), base (b)
not dest (c), src (a)
jmp disp (a)
jt disp (a), src (c)
jop disp (a), src1 (c), src2 (b)
efor disp (a), src+ (c), src2 (b)
disp of jump is 16 bits so use (a).
fun arty (a),
fs (c)
ret src (a), fs (c)
push src (a)
To reduce the chance of argument not fit into the field, we use the larger
field first (as a priority). Therefore the instruction "call" uses
the field "a" then "c". The instruction "sys" uses the field "b"
then "a".
call arg2 (c), arg1 (a), ads
sys num (c), src2 (a), src1 (b)
case src (c), lo (a), hi (b)
The instruction “mov” is an exception. It is two-address and hence
has the largest dest/src field. This
allows it to access a large address space to move values around.
2-arg d:26 op:6, b:32
mov dest (d), src (b)
bop d a b
== M[d] = M[a] bop M[b]
jmp d == goto d
jt d a == if a != FALSE
goto d
jf d a == if a == FALSE
goto d
jxx d a b == if (a op b) != FALSE goto d
ldx d a b == M[d] = M[ M[a] + M[b] ]
stx d a b == M[ M[a] + M[b] ] = M[d]
call d a ads ==
get arity and numlocal (framesize)
1. move parameters to temp (param: d,a and from stack)
2. save locals (numlocal), pc,fp (at stack)
3. update fp, sp
4. move temp to locals (arity)
ret d fs ==
1. move return value d to M[retval]
2. restore locals , pc,sp,fp
callt d a ads ==
1. move parameters to temp
2. move temp to locals
efor d a b == M[a]++; if M[a] <= M[b] goto d
case d lo hi ==
jump table is set of displacements
size of table is hi-lo+1
if lo <= d <= hi goto entry[lo-d+1]
else goto end of table
where current pc is at the "case"
not d a == M[d] = not M[a]
sys d a b == syscall d, optional param: a,b
push d == sp++; M[sp] = M[d]
mov d a == M[d] = M[a] equiv.
to add d a #0
fun d a == it stores arity (d), and
numlocal (a)
can be encoded into 24 bits
case src lo hi
<jmp table>
The jump table is a table of displacement relative to the address of
"case" instruction. Each entry is a 32-bit value. The size of the
table will be padded at the end so that the address $end aligns at an even
address. Its organisation is as follows:
disp. to the end of table, the
"else" case
disp. to case lo (case_1)
disp. to case lo+1 (case_2)
disp. to case hi (case_n)
jmp else_case
case_1: ... , jmp exit
case_2: ... , jmp exit
case_n: ... , jmp exit
else_case: ...
The first entry in the table is the displacement to $end. It is used to
jump to else_case. This arrangement makes it easy to locate the end of
the table. The jump table is fully mapped to values in the range lo..hi. It is a direct map. Any missing label will
be filled with a displacement to $end (so it goes to else_case). The size of
table is even(hi-lo+2). The code for body of
each case is located after the end of table. The first instruction at the end
of table is "jmp else_case". Each case is ended with "jmp exit".
The jump table makes "case" instruction a strange object of variable
length in the code segment. If instead of a displacement, an instruction "jmp"
is used in each entry in the table, the size of the table will be quite large
(2 words per entry).
0..9 nop add sub mul div mod and
or xor eq
10..19 ne lt le gt ge shl shr not mov ldx
20..29 stx ud push call callt fun ret efor case jmp
30..38 jt jf jeq jne jlt jle jgt jge sys
<- sp
.. param
fp' <- fp
lv v_n
pv v_1
<- sp'
The current frame stores: fp', retads. There is no need to store sp as it
tracks fp when return. The number of slots, pv+lv,
are the saved registers. Now that a local is in an absolute place (M[0]...M[256]), no renaming of registers during compilation
is necessary.
Two parameters can be passed via "call" instruction. If there are more than two parameters, the rest are pushed to stack (via SS[sp]). Inside v5-vm, an array param[.] is used to collect actual parameters to be instantiated to registers.
To reduce the number of distinct instruction, the
"immediate" mode can be eliminated by using constants as
globals. It means all constants will be stored as global variables.
For small constants, -10..300, they can be
stored permanently (immutable) in M[a]..M[b]. There
is a direct relation between the value and its address. For larger constants,
they will be allocated and stored as globals using the symbol table. This way,
the access to symbol table will not be overwhelm as I expect 90% of constants
will be small and not require symbol table to retrieve them during the
What should be m and n? -1 is used often, 256 seems to be the largest
small number (as least in our benchmark). So the range -10..300 should cover most small numbers without being too
many. The address 300 is used to signify a constant so a > 300.
Let a = 390, b will be 700. -10..300
is M[390]..M[700] or c is represented by
M[400+c]. For large constants, they are stored in the data segment
starts at the address 1000 (the same as all other globals allocated by the
To decouple the language from specific system functions (I/O and files), these system functions are made into one instruction "sys" with numeric parameter to specify a number of functions. Not all versions of Som support all of these calls. This is the most current version.
1 print x
2 printc c
3 getchar
4 gets
5 fopen name mode
6 fclose fp
7 fprint fp x
8 fprintc fp c
9 fgetc fp
10 fgets fp buf
11 --
12 eval x
13 stop
14 alloc x
15 load name ; exec from user
16 lex fc ; return tok from the current file
More macros are defined in lib2.som:
: print x = syscall {1 x}
: printc x = syscall {2 x}
: getc = syscall {3}
: gets buf = syscall {4 buf}
// mode 0-read, 1-write, 2-readwrite
: fopen fn mode = syscall {5 fn mode}
: fclose f = syscall {6 f}
: fprint f x = syscall {7 f x}
: fprintc f x = syscall {8 f x}
: fgetc f = syscall {9 f}
: fgets f buf = syscall {10 f buf}
// for som-compiler
: eval a = syscall {12 a}
: exit = syscall {13}
: load fn = syscall {15 fn}
: syslex f = syscall {16 f} // in som 4.2
start end
code* (in hex)
start end
data* (in decimal)
num (number of entries of symbol table)
symbol table*
Each symbol table entry is : name type ref arg arg2
The object file stored code,
data and exported symbol table. The code (v 1.7 uses T-code instructions)
is in hex (for fast load as it is 32-bit). The data is in decimal. The
data is the snapshot of memory when finished compiling and executing the
immediate lines. The amount of data is dictated by the amount that has been
dynamically allocated when compile the program. The symbol table is important
for initialising the global variables. This is a change from previous versions
which relied on the code generator to generate a "replay" of the
immediate line so it is not necessary to store the data in the object file as
it can be recreated. However, having snapshot is useful in many situations,
such as the static array which is introduced in this release.
Consider the symbol table. What information must be recorded to allow CS,
DS to be relocatable? For CS, start address, there is only one kind of
object, code. For DS, there are several kind of
objects: global variables, constant static array etc. As the snapshot is
a contiguous block, it can be relocated as a whole. However, if a
variable contains a pointer to DS, it must be noted so that its value can be relocated.
These pointers are:
1) base-address of static array. A static array is an array that is
allocated at compile-time, hence its base-address is known at
compile-time. This happens when define an array by an immediate line
(outside function definition), such as
a = array 10
b = array {11 22 33}
2) a pointer to static string. A static string
is a string created at compile-time such as a string embedded in the source
code or a string created by an immediate line that its value is assigned to a
global variable, such as
to warn = { prints
"warning message" }
s = "this is a string"
Aliasing of variables will not be analysed hence they will not be
relocated. Care must be taken in using such variables because
interactive-mode and run-only-mode may behave differently when DS is relocated.
To denote the kind of global variable: scalar, static array, string pointer;
the field "Arg" in the symbol table is used:
0 scalar
1 static array
2 string pointer
This information will be used in the loader to relocate DS.
The object file is the same format as som-v2 except:
1) magic cookie is 5678916 (som16 object)
2) it includes symbol table with the form: (name type ref arity lv)
(5678916 for som v24)
start end (code segment)
start end (data segment)
num (number of entries of symbol table)
symbol table*
Each symbol table entry is: name type ref arg arg2
start end (op
code segment
start end
data segment
size (name type ref arity lv)* symbol table
Similar to v3.1 except magic are 5678940, 5678941, 5678941 (yes 4.2 uses 5678941)
A little change has been made in the instruction format in the code segment (to make it easy to locate individual instruction). One additional object in the file is Link vectors. They make loading object file faster because of not scanning the symbol table. Link vectors are special locations, in v5.0 there are: addresses "loadfile" and "CS". If there is no link vectors (size = 0) the loader will scan the symbol table for the required information. This link vectors are not produced by the compiler. They are manually edited into the object file because the compiler is not specific to any source, hence it does not know about link vectors of a particular program. Som v 5.1 has magic cookie 5678951.
start end (ads op arg1 arg2 arg3)* code segment
start end data*
data segment
link vectors
size (name type ref arity lv)* symbol table
August 8th is marked as Som's birthday. It has been good many years (almost five years) that Som language and system was continuingly developed. It is a good time to look back and contemplate what has been accomplished. This chapter describes a brief history of the development of the language and presents performance measurement of all versions (up to v 4.1) of the implementations.
4 Dec 2004 |
som-v1 |
first public release |
31 Dec 2004 |
som-v2 |
second public release, with som-in-som |
26 June 2005 |
som-v1.5 |
with macro and tail-call |
5 Jan 2006 |
som-v1.7 |
with new VM, T-code |
23 Dec 2006 |
som-v1.8 |
bug fixed v 1.7, T-code |
12 Jan 2007 |
som-v2.4 |
(som-in-som for 2007) Children-day release |
9 Mar 2007 |
som-v3 |
som-in-som with sx-code vm |
19 Aug 2007 |
som-v3.1 |
fast sx-code vm |
2 July 2008 |
som-v4.0 |
fast u-code vm |
9 Aug 2008 |
som-v4.1 |
(improve u-code and compiler) Birthday release |
Som project started her life in late 2003. She is based on my
earlier work on many language interpreters. The basis is the
stack-oriented instruction set, the very simple S-code. The whole 2004 is the
developmental year to get the code base to crystallise. The first public
release is on 4 December 2004. Som v.1.0 is all written in C. It
took Som v2.0 so that everything is written in Som herself. The next
year, 2005, we saw the development of macro (v.1.5), code optimisation,
constant array and file i/o. These improvements
are included in the next release (v.1.7) with the new instruction set, T-code
on the New Year day of 2006. With the complex t-code, Som v.2.3 which attempts
to use T-code as her instruction set, is never complete. The bug fixed for
v.1.7 is released by the end of the year (v.1.8). The year 2007 is the update
of Som v.2.4 that brings all the updates into Som written in Som. This year
also is the year of improving the execution speed of the virtual machine.
Many instruction set formats have been experimented with. Som v.3.0 with
the extended S-code (Sx-code) is released in March. The fully
decoded instruction format is released as v.3.1 in August. This version
employs a lot of improvement to make the virtual machine as fast as
Due to my health reason, the development was stopped for six months. In
mid 2008, a new refinement is released, Som v.4.0. It uses a
stack-less instruction set, U-code. It is a simplification of
Sx-code. In 2008, Som v.4.1 is released. It is a gentle refinement
of U-code and a lot of improvement in the compiler. To celebrate the
birthday, I did benchmarking all versions to record the development is a
quantitative term.
The benchmark programs are chosen so that all versions can compile and run them. They are:
These benchmarks indicate the performance of the instruction
set (measuring the number of instruction executed) of various format (S-code,
T-code, Sx-code and U-code) plus the quality of
the code generators. The running time measured the performance of the
virtual machines. Another measurement is performed on the compiler.
The source of the compiler of Som v.2.0 is used (around 2000 lines of code).
All modules are concatenated into one file to be the input of the
compiler. This benchmark indicates the performance of the
compilers. How fast it is to compile one program. For the compiler
benchmark, the performance is relative to Som v.2.0.
The number of instruction executed (noi) is a reliable metric because it is not
dependent on the machine that runs the benchmark. But noi alone can not
compare the quality of the implementation of the virtual machines. The
running time is tricky to collect and highly variable. The results are
presented as a relative measure, or the speedup, calculated by (1 - t2/t1) * 100 where t1 is the running time of Som
v.1.0 and t2 is the version to compare with it (v1.0 is supposed to be the
slowest one). The running times are measured using the time function in C , time.h and clock( ), instrumented into the virtual
machine. The program is run 3 times and the data are averaged. The machine used
to run all benchmarks is Dell D500, a laptop with Pentium M 1.3GHz and 1Gbytes
of memory running Windows XP (SP2).
Figure 1 General benchmark: the relative number
of instruction executed compared to som v.1.0 (vx/v1)
The number of instruction executed (noi) of v.1.0, v.1.5, v.2.0 and v.2.4 are
the same. They are S-code. The T-code of v.1.8 is less than half, so T-code is
very effective. The Sx-code is also fast, its noi from v.3.0 is only 62%
and v.3.1 is even better at 59%. The serie 4, U-code, is similarly
effective compared to Sx-code.
Figure 2 General benchmark: the speeup of
running time relative to Som v.1.0 (1-vx/v1)(0.73 is around 4x)
When look at the running time, T-code is 64% faster than v.1.0 (around
2.7x). The virtual machine of series 2, v.2.0 and v.2.4 (two vm are the
same), are fast. They are around 40% faster than v.1.0, or 1.6x. The series 3 Sx-code have impressive results.
The virtual machine of v.3.0 is 49% faster, or almost 2x.
The new virtual machine for v.3.1 (with separate op and arg and top-of-stack
register) is the fastest. It is 74% faster, or 3.8x.
The series 4, the virtual machine of U-code v.4.0, is 69% faster and the
refined U-code of v.4.1 is as fast as the best v.3.1 at 73%, or 3.8x.
First, the size (measuring in line of codes) of the compilers and the virtual machines are compared. These figures indicate the complexity of the programs. The v.1.8 compiler is the largest at 3700 lines whereas the recent ones (v.4 and v4.1) are at around 2500 lines. Perhaps this reflects the complexity of T-code versus Sx-code. The sizes of virtual machines also have this trend but they are less different.
Figure 3 The size (lines of code) of the
Figure 4 The size (line of code) of the virtual
Figure 5 Compiler benchmark: the compiler
performance relative to Som v.2.0, the number of instruction executed and the
speedup. noi is vx/v2. speedup
is 1-vx/v2 (0.66 is around 3x)
In terms of noi (the number of instruction executed to compile the program),
the newer compilers are better with v.4.1 is only 18% of v.2.0 (it is very
impressive, just 1/5). A lot of code improvement has been done on these
compilers. The runtime speedup is also reflected these improvements, with
v.4.1 at 66% faster, or almost 3x. The compiler does a lot of i/o so in term of the performance of a virtual machine, it
may be better than this figure.
To give some absolute number on the performance of the virtual machine, the
runtime for general benchmark is reported as Million instructions per second
(noi/running_time). The machine that runs the benchmark is Dell D500 laptop
with 1.3GHz Pentium M (single cpu) with 1Gbyte memory
running Windows XP (SP2). The compiler is lcc-win32 (version Oct 2007) with no
code optimisation. These figures reflected the effect of the instruction set
and the implementation of its virtual machine.
Figure 6 The performance of virtual machines
(Million instruction per second)
The jump from v.3 to v.3.1 (35.7 Mips to 57.5) is the result of the engineering
of the virtual machine. It is interesting to note that the series 4 (v4
and v4.1), which employs U-code, the figure is not as good as v.3.1 (Sx-code).
However, in terms of running time, they are similar. It may be just the
variance in the time measurement.
This chapter is a record of the development history of all versions of Som. The description is ordered chronologically.
4 Dec 2004 |
som-v1 |
first public release |
31 Dec 2004 |
som-v2 |
second public release (with som-in-som) |
26 June 2005 |
som-v1.5 |
with macro and tail-call |
5 Jan 2006 |
som-v1.7 |
with new VM, T-code |
23 Dec 2006 |
som-v1.8 |
bug fixed v 1.7, T-code |
12 Jan 2007 |
som-v2.4 |
Children-day release (som-in-som for 2007) |
9 Mar 2007 |
som-v3 |
som-in-som with sx-code vm |
19 Aug 2007 |
som-v3.1 |
fast sx-code vm |
2 July 2008 |
som-v4.0 |
fast u-code vm |
9 Aug 2008 |
som-v4.1 |
Birthday release (improve u-code and compiler) |
9 Sept 2009 |
som-v4.2 |
Triple 9 release (lex in vm) |
22 Sept 2009 |
som-v4.2a |
bug fix interactive mode (new parser) |
5 Dec 2009 |
som-v5 |
T2-code vm (Long Live the King) |
25 Dec 2010 |
som-v5.1 |
T2-code 64-bit format (Christmas release) |
13 September 2003
This implementation aims to separate compiling into an
executable sequential code for a virtual machine and generating machine code
for a machine specific processor. For an executable sequential code, the
emphasis is on a small number of instructions and ease of modifying this
set. The code for Som which will be called s-code,
should be reasonably fast when interpreting, and easy to generate machine
dependent code. Therefore, the optimisation should not be emphasised.
Instead, a "clean" implementation is the goal, so that, it is easy to
modify or to make a new code generator. A fixed 32-bit instruction is suitable
(not compact but easy to generate code and reasonably fast when
interpreting). The instruction set is of A1a (an earlier language) but
eliminates some extended code.
26 Decenber 2003
The goal is to start a boostrapable system that eventually will be written in Som
itself. The starting system is written in C and gradually it is replaced
by Som. The system is divided into three parts: a parser, a code
generator, a virtual machine. The parser transforms a source (Som program)
into an abstract program (parse tree). The code generator generates
S-code from this parse tree. The virtual machine executes S-code.
This division makes the system easy to understand. The parser separates
the handle of two domains, one is the character domain represented the source
program, and the other is the token (integer) domain represented the abstract
program. The token is suitable for Som-language. It makes the code
generator and virtual machine easy to be written in Som. The virtual machine
has been written in A1a (the precursor of Som). The parser and code
generator are integrated in the current system (Som, Som1). Separating
them into two parts enables the code generator to be written in Som
easily. It may not be interesting to write the parser in Som, as there
are tools for parser generators, which accept the input as a grammar and output
a parser in some high level language program. It is possible to translate
the output from these tools into Som language.
29 Jan 2004 Implement parser generator to
generate parse.som
12 Feb 2004 Add tuple to som-language to handle variable arguments to a
function. Use it for syscall. (this design
eliminate the open stack coding)
4 Dec 2004
This is a reference system for Som-language. It
is som3 (the development version) released to public. The major change in
som3 is that it can do recursive load and has a good interactive mode. Effort
will be made to document this release so it is understandable for the public
(mainly students and my research assistances).
31 Dec 2004
This version is an evolution of Som system to be self-replicating. That
is the system can generate itself with minimum support from a host
language. This is achieved by writing most of Som system (lexical analyser,
compiler, code generator) in Som. Only the eval function must be written
in the host language (C). This approach has been used to port a compiler to a
new platform since the early days of computer science, for example, Pascal
compiler. However, the interesting point is not "porting" a
system to another platform. It is the ability to
"self-replicate" that I try to achieve.
This Som system comprises of the whole Som in object format (som-code,
"som.obj") that is loaded into the memory and is executed by eval() (written in C). This image plus eval-in-C works as
Som compiler. The first image "som.obj" is generated by Som
itself. However, this is not done in this release. The present
"som.obj" is generated from a modified Som v1. There are minor
differences that are needed to be resolved before it is truely self-replicate.
26 June 2005
The aim is to improve performance when it goes to a
real chip. This version contains macro and proper tail-call. Modify Som v1 to
include macro, a bit of jump improvement (jle for "for") and perhaps
hash from symtab5 (from som-in-som, som-v2). (23 Feb 2005)
1 macro
2 jle
3 eliminate callt
4 retv
5 hash symtab
23 December 2005
It is going to be new year soon! I have a
great new idea on er... a new VM for som, called T-code. T-code will be a
register based VM as opposed to S-code. As T-code is 3-address format, it
will have less number of instruction executed (dynamic instruction count) than
s-code. The data from various chip designs pointed to 40% noi. of s-code [aisd eecon 2003, sr, compact code jcsse 2005,
xs]. This means if all else is equal, T-code vm
will be 2.5 times faster than s-code. Therefore, I will try to have a new year release of Som-v17 with T-code (a major release
every year, eh?). Som-v17 will be a som-v16 (which never made public):
macro, static array, new object, no immediate line, hex, file.
23 December 2006
This is a bug-fixed version of som-v17. Most
bugs are in the code generator. "gencode.c" has been heavily
rewritten. There is still some code sequence that is not optimised but it
is correct. It has been tested and passed all benchmarks in
"test" directory. The macro has been fully debugged as
well, especially the "full" macro. This version is used to develop
som-v23 (som-in-som in progress). som-v23 can compile
and generate code correctly including all macros. The "eval" is
being developed. So, som-v18 has been subject to extensive test to run
som-v23 (around 2500 lines of som-code) except the "eval" part.
som18 can do "load".
12 January 2007
It is a som-in-som interpreter/compiler system. It
used som v 1.6 as a development platform. som16
is an updated of som v 1.5 toward som17 to have "loadfile". The
idea here is to release som v 2.4 as an up-to-date, stable version of Som for
year 2007. The goals for this version are:
1) use simple s-code.
2) improve interp.c for faster speed.
3) has the following (of som16) : macro, static
array, object with no immediate line, hex, file, and from som17, loadfile.
4) make som-in-som as clean as possible.
Why not t-code? From som17, I found that a lot of development time is
spending on subtle bugs in code generator. However, the speed improvement
(in term of execution time) comes mostly from engineering the interpreter not
the t-code itself. T-code which has 40% number of instruction does not
translate into 2.5 times faster in term of execution time (it is only 25%
faster). So, the complexity of t-code does not worth it. som v 1.8 is sort of closing down the experiment on t-code.
"som.obj" is self-compiled, that is the som.txt is compiled into its
own object. Finally, the self-replicate property has been achieved in
this release. In terms of speed, som-v24 virtual machine has been engineered to
be as fast as som-v17.
9 March 2007
This is a new release based on sx-code. Sx-code is zero+one-address
instruction set. It is 30% faster in terms of number of instruction and
running time than s-code. It is not complex, only larger than s-code (85
instruction vs 40). The added instructions are local-var mode and
immediate mode of bop s-code pluses some "for performance" code such
as efor. The virtual machine of som-v16u is used as VM for som-v3. This VM has
been carefully engineered. It is the fastest VM for s-code family to
19 August 2007
It is a continuing development of Som v3 with an
improved vm. The new vm had fully-decode opcode and argument. It
also employs a few techniques to speed up the execution of sx-code. The
new vm is 40% faster than the old one (or 1.7x).
The new vm has the following characters:
1. op and arg are fully
decoded (no decoder)
2. use tos register (need a few special codes)
3. all jumps are absolute
4. faster access to local variables
The disadvantage is that the size of code segment is double (as xop[.] and xarg[.] are two arrays replacing cs[.] ).
The object file format is changed. The compiler itself has also been
improved. The symbol table is changed to be more space efficient.
It is also better tuned (now with only 1/3 probing of the previous
version). The listing generation is much faster as it employs
"index" to the symbol table instead of searching for a symbol by a
reference. I found out that the meaning of a full macro and a normal
macro are different. Therefore I decide to adopt only one meaning.
A normal macro is much more useful, hence the full macro is discarded.
2 July 2008
The 2007 series of Som are very exciting (Som v3.0 and
Som v3.1). They are fast with new instruction sets and improved
compilers. With their performance comes the complexity. The sx-code of
som v3.1 has 93 instructions and it needs a complicate code conversion to make
use of top-of-stack register. I want to retain performance of 2007 series
but I really want to make the instruction as simple as the original s-code (at
least in terms of the number of instruction). To this goal I design an
accumulator-based instruction set with one-address format. Som v4.0 uses the
new vm based on u-code. It achieves two objectives:
1) u-code instruction set is as simple as the original
s-code. It has only 43 instructions with consistent format.
2) The compiler is much simpler than Som v3.1 and it produces a fast code.
It is 32% faster than som v.3.0. It is comparable to som v.3.1. However
v3.1 is 10% faster.
9 Aug 2008
Som v.4.1 uses the improved instruction set. The new instruction set
includes the immediate mode and a few AC-arg instructions (to use AC as the
argument for the next instruction, mostly load index). The expectation is
to reduce the noi by 10-20% and also the running time comparing to som v.4.0.
The compiler has gone through several improvements and it is better than the
previous version (it is faster and produces better code).
Upon analysing v4 vs. v31 compiler many possible improvements to u-code come to
mind. The first is the immediate mode. The second is to use
"cascade" AC to reduce "put" (using AC as argument in some
instruction). However, adding everything will make u-code unattractively
large. The aim to include more instruction into u-code is to improve the
performance without undue increase in complexity to the instruction set.
In general benchmark, u2 does not improve much over u-code of som v.4.0. It is
only 6% less noi. The running time speedup is only 8.7%. However,
most improvement is done by analysing the compiler. To this end, the compiler
benchmark is much improved. The noi of v4.1 compiler is 20% less than
v4. The running time speedup is insignificant (may be due to heavily i/o bound?).
( 9/9/2009)
This is a small experiment on lex. Lex is implemented as a built-in
function (via syscall 16). The hope is that this will accelerate the compiler.
lex2.c is written based on token-s.txt (lex in
Som). An experimental version is lex0.c. It has a better
buffering. However, it is more complex. lex0.c
uses buffering to reduce the number of fread( ) call. lex2.c
reads one line at a time. It is quite interesting to see how the new lex is
interfaced to the old token-s.txt in a simple way. In terms of performance, v42
noi is 78% of v41 (or 22% faster) but the runtime in similar.
22 Sept 2009
Fix interactive mode. Som 4.2a is som 4.2 (triple 9 release) with correction to
lex that enables it to run in interactive mode. After two or three years
of contemplation, I decide to write a new parser generator. A lot of code
is borrowed from Som compiler herself. The parser generator is about 700
lines of Som. The new parser is faster than the original one. In terms of
performance, it is 30% faster than v4.1 (noi) and 11% faster than v4.2 (noi).
5 Dec 2009 Long Live the King
This release has the goal to do "the fastest vm". To reach this
goal, the vm uses three-address instruction format (t-code, som v 1.8) because
it offers the lowest number of instruction executed (noi). Therefore in terms
of performance, the noi will be smallest amongst all previous Som
releases. Because running time is directly varied with noi, it will also
be "the fastest som". This work is based on Som v19 series of
experiments. T2-code is introduced. In terms of performance, it is 40%
less noi than v4.2. The runtime is 10% faster than v4.2.
25 Dec 2010
Christmas release
The previous release (Som v 5.0) introduced t2-code. It is the fastest
Som vm to date. t2-code has quite a wide
instruction, 96 bits. The aim of this version is simple: to design
the instructions to fit into 64 bits and to achieve that without sacrificing
the performance. 64-bit is a more natural size for today's machine (year 2010).
The design for t2-64 code is straightforward. It is similar to t2 code,
only the format is changed. The new format has two arguments fit into the first
32-bit word and one argument in the second 32-bit word. To allow as many bits
as possible to the two argument fields, it is divided into 16-bit, 10-bit and
6-bit (opcode). The argument that is too large to fit into 16-bit or 10-bit
needed to be "mov"ed to a smaller size by an
extra "mov" instruction that has large argument size: 26-bit and
The result: the executable size for all benchmarks are
smaller by 30% than t2-code (not surprising!). In terms of execution speed, for
small size benchmarks, t2-64 is slower (noi) by 1% and for medium size
benchmarks, by 10%. In terms of wall clock time, t2-64 is 12% slower averaged
over all benchmarks.
Source code of Som system comprises of Som source files and
the virtual machine (in C) source. The sequence of loading files
(automatically from the project file som51.txt) is:
compile-h-s.txt define
list construction functions: car, cdr, cons, list.
symtab-s.txt symbol table functions
token-s.txt tokeniser
parse-h-s.txt parser function
functions that support parsing
parse2.som parser, generated from
icode-s.txt functions that
support outputing code
gencode-s.txt code generator
macro-s.txt macro
The virtual machine consists of C source files:
lexical analyser
virtual machine functions
The whole system is compiled by "load" function. The "project" file contains the lines that load the whole sequence of files.
> som som51.txt
This will generate som51.obj, the compiler
object. It also generates listing file for debugging purpose. The
parser "parse2.som" is generated from the parser
generator "pgen". pgen takes a text
file that specifies grammar of Som-language, such as,
top -> tkTO fundef | ex #
ex1 -> tkIF ex0 ex exelse $doif(); | ...
and produces a parser. The action routines in the grammar such as
""doif" are the functions reside in the "stmt-s.txt"
file. pgen takes grammar and produces a parser
in Som language,
pgen < grammar.txt > parse2.som
It is not necessary to regenerate the parser except when you want to
change the lexicon and the grammar to modify Som-language for your application.
Som can be used in two modes: interactive, batch (produce listing and object files), and excute mode. When start the system loads "lib2.som" which contains small set of useful macro functions.
This mode is suitable to try out a program. A source can be loaded by the function "load filename". A user can interrogate global variables and executes all functions in the program. This is useful for debugging purpose.
>print 2 + 3 nl
>to sq x = x * x
>print sq 5 nl
To define a function, the whole function must be completed in one line.
This mode is used to run a program. It will produce a listing file and an object file.
C:>som bubble.txt
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
It will produce "bubble.lst" and "bubble.obj".
This mode is used to execute a Som object (already compiled). It will execute the program immediately (not producing any output file).
C:>som -x bubble.obj
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
for interactive mode
som file for batch mode, output .lst and .obj
som -x file for load file and then interact
som -? for this
This is the published works related to Som language, stack-processors and virtual machines (1997-2008).
last update 3rd January 2011