A formal syntax of R1

[ ] = 0, or more times
" " = terminal symbol

program -> [ declaration ] "main" statement
declaration -> "global" identifier ";"
"semaphore" identifier ";"
"process" process-name "(" formalparameter ")" statement
function-name "(" formalparameter ")" statement
statement -> stmt
"{" [stmt] "}"
stmt ->id "=" expression ";"
"*" id "=" expression ";"
"if" expression statement
"if" expression statement "else" statement
"while" expression statement
"return" expression ";"
function-name "(" actualparameter ")" ";"
process-name "(" actualparameter ")" ";"
expression ->term
unaryop term
expression binaryop expression
term ->number
"(" expression ")"
function-name "(" actualparameter ")"
id ->variable
array-name "[" index "]"
identifier ->null
id [ "," id ]
formalparameter ->null
variable [ "," variable ]
actualparameter ->null
expression [ "," expression ]

unaryop is { -, !, *, & }
binaryop is { +, -, *, /, &&, ||, <, <=, ==, !=, >=, > }

precedency of operators (from highest)

( )do an expression inside ( ) first
- ! * &unary op - minus, ! logic not, * deref, & address
* / &&multiply, divide, logical and
+ - ||add, subtract, logical or
< <= == != >= >relational operators

built-in function and special forms