Modern Genetic Algorithms

Prabhas Chongstitvatana

Department of computer engineering

Chulalongkorn university





National Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2004



Introduction to GA

Simple Genetic Algorithm

GA versus Others

What problem GA is good for?


Theory of GA (Schema theorem)

Modern GA

Probabilistic model-building GA

Probability vector

Extended compact GA

Bayesian Optimisation Algorithm (BOA)

Simulaneity matrix


Genetic Algorithms

A class of probabilistic search, inspired by natural evolution.

"the fittest survives"

GA works on a set of solution, called "population".

GA uses fitness function to guide the search.

GA improves solutions by genetic operators:


recombination (crossover)


GA pseudo code

initialise population P

while not terminate

evaluate P by fitness function

P' = selection.recombination.mutation of P

P = P'

terminating conditions:

1 found satisfactory solutions

2 waiting too long


Simple Genetic Algorithm

represent a solution by a binary string {0,1}*


chance to be selected is proportional to its fitness


single point crossover


select a cut point cut two parents, exchange parts

AAAAAA 111111

AA AAAA 11 1111 cut at bit 2

AA1111 11AAAA exchange parts


single bit flip

111111 --> 111011 flip at bit 4

GA compare to other methods

"indirect" -- setting derivatives to 0

"direct" -- hill climber

enumerative – search them all

random – just keep trying

simulated annealing – single-point method

Tabu search


What problem GA is good for?

Highly multimodal functions

Discrete or discontinuous functions

High-dimensionality functions, including many

combinatorial ones

Nonlinear dependencies on parameters

(interactions among parameters) -- "epistasis"

makes it hard for others

Often used for approximating solutions to NPcomplete

combinatorial problems



optimisation problems

combinatorial problems


binpacking 3D (container loading)




fitness function:

num. of bin + empty space in the last bin

evolve robot programs for a biped

<video of biped walking>



m = {0+,0-,1+,1-,....6+,6-}

n is num. of repeat

fitness function:

six stages of walking

Evolve a leaf’s form


Why GA work?

Schema theorem

schema represents set of individual

{0,1,*} * = any




schema compete with each other and go through genetic operations

How many schema are there?

2 L – 1 schemata but 3 L – 1 over search space

GA sampling schema in parallel and search for solutions (implicit parallelism) O(n 3) n is population size

Simple Genetic Algorithm Analysis

m(H,t) num. of schema H at time t


m(H,t+1) = m(H,t) f(H)/f'

f' = average fitness

m(H,t+1) = m(H,0) (1+c)t

where c is the portion of schema that is has its fitness above average



p survival probability

pc crossover probability

d(H) defining length

l length of individual

p ≥ 1 - pc d(H)/(l-1)

m(H,t+1) ≥

m(H,t) f(H)/f' [ 1 - pc d(H)/(l-1) ]




pm a single position mutation probability

o(H) order of schema

probability of surviving mutation

(1 - pm) o(H)

pm << 1, approx.

1 - o(H) pm


m(H,t+1) ≥

m(H,t) f(H)/f'[1 - pc d(H)/(l-1)- o(H)pm ]

short, low order, above average, schema grows exponentially.


Building Block Hypothesis

BBs are sampled, recombined, form higher fitness individual.

"construct better individual from the best partial solution of past samples." (Goldberg 1989)


Probabilistic model-building GA

(Estimation of distribution algorithms)

GA + Machine learning

current population -> selection -> model-building -> next generation

replace crossover + mutation with learning and sampling probabilistic model

simple example probability vector

p = (p1, p2, .. pn)

pi = prob. of 1 in position i

learn p: compute proportion of 1 in each position

sample p: sample 1 in position i with prob. pi



1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0






<ppt GECCO page 3-5>

PBIL (Baluja, 1995)

Compact GA (Harik, Lobo, Goldberg, 1998)

UMDA (Muhlenbein, Paass, 1996)


consider n-bit statistics instead of 1-bit

How to learn and use context for each position?

Then, we could solve problems decomposable into

statistics of order at most k with O(n 2) evaluations.


Extended compact GA (Harik, 1999)




00 16% 0 86% 000 17%

01 45% 1 14% 001 2%

10 35% . . .

11 4% 111 24%


iterative merge two groups

metrics: minimum description length

minimise num. of bits to store model+data

MDL(M,D) = D_model + D_data

D_data = - N p(X) log p(X)

D_model = 2(g-1) log N

Bayesian Optimisation Algorithm (BOA)

(Pelikan, Goldberg, Cantu-paz, 1998)

Bayesian network as a model

acyclic directed graph

nodes are variables

conditional dependencies (edges)

conditional independencies (implicit)


scoring metric (as MDL in ECGA)

search procedure (as merge in ECGA)


search procedure

execute primitive op. that improves the metric most

primitive op.

edge addition

edge removal

edge reversal


BOA theory

BOA solves order-k decomposable problems

in O(n 1.55) to O(n 2) evaluations

for Hierarchical problem

hBOA (Pelikan & Goldberg, 2000, 2001)

use local structure of BN

representation for conditional prob.

x2 x3 P(x1=0 | x2 x3)

00 26%

01 44%

10 15%

11 15%



/ \

x2 x3



/ \

x3 15%


/ \

26% 44%

Another approach

Simulaneity matrix (Aporntewan & Chongstitvatana, 2003, 2004)

<show GECCO ppt>

similar work

Dependency structure matrix (Yu & Goldberg, 2004)



Goldberg, D., Genetic algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Whitley, D., "Genetic algorithm tutorial",

Ponsawat, J. and Chongstitvatana, P., "Solving 3-dimensional bin packing by modified genetic algorithms", National Computer Science and Engineering Conference, Thailand, 2003.

Chaisukkosol, C. and Chongstitvatana, P., "Automatic synthesis of robot programs for a biped static walker by evolutionary computation", 2nd Asian Symposium on Industrial Automation and Robotics, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 May 2001, pp.91-94.

Aportewan, C. and Chongstitvatana, P., "Linkage Learning by Simultaneity Matrix", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late Breaking paper, Chicago, 12-16 July 2003.

Aporntewan, C. and Chongstitvatana, P., "Building block identification by simulateneity matrix for hierarchical problems", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, USA, 26-30 June 2004, Proc. part 1, pp.877-888.

Yu, Tian-Li, Goldberg, D., "Dependency structure matrix analysis: offline utility of the DSM genetic algorithm", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, USA, 2004.

Introductory material of PMBGAs

Goldberg, D., Design of Innovation, Kluwer, 2002.

Pelikan et al. (2002). A survey to optimization by building and using probabilistic models. Computational optimization and applications, 21(1).

Larraaga & Lozano (editors) (2001). Estimation of distribution algorithms: A new tool for evolutionary computation. Kluwer.

Program code, ECGA, BOA, and BOA with decision trees/graphs