Sample of Midterm Questions

Big Notice :  this is a sample of my exam. paper last year.  Do not take this as any indicator of this year exam. paper. (Notice : These are undergrad. level questions)

Midterm examination paper  1997
Computer Organisation
time 1 hour 15 min.
Do all 6 questions.  Open book.

1  Performance :   calculate CPI of the computer A and B  which run the program below.  A is faster/slower than B  (in percent) ?

this program calculates  M x N by repeat adding M, N times.
input M = 3, N = 2, the instruction set is S1.

            load r0 ZERO
      mov r0 r3  ;; r3 store the answer
      load r1 M
      load r2 N
      jmp z exit
loop: add r3 r1
      dec r2
      jmp nz loop
exit: ...
M     3
N     2

timing of each instruction (unit in clock)
         machine   A     B
load r M      4     6
mov r r       2     1
jmp c ads
   taken      4     6
   not taken  3     4
add r r       2     1
dec r         2     1

2  write the truth table of this circuit
OR( AND( a c ) AND( NOT (c ) b ) )

3  translate the following program into an assembly language of  S1 or M6800 or Intel 8086 (choose one).
         a = 0
    for i = 1 to 10 step 1
       a = a + i

4  Micro Architecture :  write micro step for the instruction  "compare indirect",  cmp r1 ( r2 )
which means :  get the value in R1 and compare it with the value in the memory pointed by R2.

instruction format    op:3, r1:3, r2:3, not-use:7

Figure of S1 micro architecture

5  Explain the term "horizontal microprogramming" (you must not write the answer longer than 5 lines)

6  draw the circuit in terms of AND, OR, NOT, FULL-ADDER of the 2 bit carry look ahead adder.


Mid term question Computer Organization 1998

Name ___________________________________________ ID ________________
Time 30 min. Do all questions.

1) From the following diagram, write a sequence of data flow that performs :
Cn + C n-1 + . . . C1 and stores in C. n = 3.
(Figure diagram of function units connected to registers)

2) Use S1 instruction set and write the following program into S1 assembly language.
Program scan string to find a null character.

i = 0;
while ( s[i] != 0 )
    i = i + 1;
3) Add a new instruction to S1 instruction set. Write down the micro-step for the instruction "move immediate to a register". Design the instruction format for this instruction.

       mov R1, #value ;; R1 = #value