Recursive Programming with List:

A gentle and fun introduction

In this note, I will introduce you to start writing a program in recursive style.  All examples here can be written in C using my list library here.

List and operations

A list contains varying numbers of different objects, for example number (integer) and string (name). A simple object is called an atom. A list can contain another list.  Here is a list.

(1 3 "hello")     ( (3 4) ("a" "b" "c") )

Many kind of objects can be represented by lists.  For example an expression:
    a = b + c

can be drawn as a tree where the root is an operator like this,

/   \
a    +
    /  \
   b    c

Assume we use a list to represent a tree, the first element is an operator, the rest is the operands.

    ("=" "a" ("+" "b" "c" ))

This data structure is built from a number of cells. A cell contains two fields, head and tail.  There are two types of cell: atom and dot-pair.  An atom is the end of a branch (a kind of leaf node).  A dot-pair is a pointer to another list.  The above example can be draw like this:

representation of a       list

The cell that pointed to "=" and "a"  are atoms.  The cell pointed to the list ("+" "b" "c") is a dot-pair.  How to distinguish a cell and a dot-pair depends on the choice of implementation of the data structure. A special atom called NIL (/) is used to denotes the end of list.  To make it easier to write a list, I will omit ".." in the string.

Functions on List

Before we proceed further let define functions on List used in this session. 

head(L)       returns  first element of the list
tail(L)          returns  the list without the first element
cons(X,L)   returns a new list with X as its head and L as its tail.

      L  is   cons( head(L), tail(L) )

number(n)   returns an atom of number n
string(s)      returns an atom of string s
isatom(X)   checks if X is an atom

To make a list we "cons" an atom with NIL.
    (1 2)    is    cons(number(1), cons(number(2), NIL))

With these few functions we can now play with our little "program".

Given a list, return a number

Now that we know list, let us start by writing a simple program to count the number of elements in a list.  We will start with a simple iterative version using "while".

Let input be a list of numbers such as (1 2 3 4)

  s = 0
  while L != NIL
    L = tail(L)
  return s

The iteration works as L is shortening until it is empty.  Instead of using "while", we can do a recursion on tail(L).

1.   if L == NIL return 0
2.   return 1 + count2(tail(L))

The recursion on Line 2  continue on the tail(L). Line 1 tells us when to stop. The result is pending 1 + 1 + ... 0  until L is empty on the last call and return 0, then all the 1 + 1 + ..0 are executed and return.  Let us see how the list L behaves.

  count2( (1 2 3) )
     1 + count2( (2 3 ) )
           1 + count2( (3) )
                 1 + count2( NIL )

Now count1 and count2 give the same result.  count2 is a recursive version.  However count2 will not count "inside" the element which is a list, for example   count2 ( (1 (2 3)) )   returns 2 instead of 3.   We will refine it to do that.

1.    if L == NIL return 0
2.    if isatom(head(L)) return 1 + count3(tail(L))
3.    ... if head(L) is a list, what to do?

The count3 is similar to count2. Line 2  of count3 is modified from Line 2 of count2 but now it checks that the current element is not a list.  So, what to do if it is a list?   Let us consider what count3 is written to do.  It can count "inside" a list.  If we assume for now that it can do that, then we can use count3 to work in Line 3.

1.    if L == NIL return 0
2.    if isatom(head(L)) return 1 + count3(tail(L))
3.    return count3(head(L)) + count3(tail(L))

So, Line 3 is where the magic occurs.  When you think of it, if head(L) is an atom, Line 3 will be reduce to 1 + count3(tail(L)) which is exactly like Line 2 of count2.  Let us try count3 on (1 (2 3) )

count3( (1 (2 3) ) )
2>  1 + count3( ((2 3)) )  
notice that head(L) is now a list not an atom
3>        count3( (2 3) ) + count3( NIL )  (**)
2>        1 +  count3( ( 3 ) ) . . .
2>               1 + count3( NIL )
1>                     0
back to (**)  for  the last count3(NIL)
1>                             0

We can refine count3 a bit further.  Noticing that Line 2 can be simplified.

1.    if L == NIL return 0
2.    if isatom(L) return 1
3.    return count4(head(L)) + count4(tail(L))

Given a number, return a list

We have learn how to write a recursive program to take apart a complex structure.  Next exercise is to "build" a recursive structure. Let us start with building a unary number which is represented by a list of 1's. Given a number n, write a program to produce a list of n 1's. (1 1 ...).  As before we will start with an iterative version.

  L = NIL
  while n > 0
     L = cons(number(1),L)
  return L

We use iteration to cons' "1" into a list, n times. 

  unum1(2)   returns  (1 1)

  unum1(3)   returns  (1 1 1)

A recursive version use the recursion of reducing n until it is 0.

1.   if n == 0 return NIL
2.   return cons(number(1), unum2(n-1))

Line 2 did exactly that. The cons' of 1 is pending while unum2 keeps producing the next 1 ... until n == 0.

    cons(1, unum2(2))
                cons(1, unum2(1))
                           cons(1, unum2(0))

return  cons(1, cons(1, cons(1, NIL )))  == (1 1 1)

Let try to define some arithmetic operation on this unary number.  Starting with add.

(1 1) + (1 1 1) = (1 1 1 1 1)         that is 2 + 3 = 5

So, adding two unary numbers is just merging two lists.  We start by trying to write a concatenate function for two lists.  We will take one element from the fist list and "cons" it to the second list.  An iterative version is this.

cat1(a b)
1.  while a != NIL
2.     b = cons(head(a), b)
3.     a = tail(a)
    return b

Now we can try a recursive version.

cat2(a b)
1.   if a == NIL return b
2.  return cat2( tail(a), cons(head(a),b) )

Line 2 of cat2 did the work similar to Line 2,3 of cat1.  Building up a result is done by "cons".  Reducing a (hence converge to a stop in the end) is done by tail(a).  However please observe the order of "cons".  For illustration, we will use lists of integer.

cat2( (1 2) (3 4 5) )
    cat2( (2) (1 3 4 5) )
          cat2( NIL (2 1 3 4 5) )

Fortunately, for unary addition, the order is not relevant.  So,  uadd(a b ) == cat2(a b).  We can refine it a bit more by recognising an arithmetic identity.

n + 0 =  n,   0 + m = m

uadd(n m)
  if m == NIL return n
  if n == NIL return m
  return uadd( tail(n), cons(head(n),m))

To complete the arithmetic operation, let we try a subtraction.  We notice that we can take an element away from both number one-by-one until one list is empty.  The remaining list is the difference.  Let assume n >= m, so m will be empty first.

usub(n m)     we assume n >= m
  if m == NIL return n
  return usub( tail(n), tail(m) )

It turns out that subtraction is easier than addition in this unary system.  (In tenary number, subtraction is more difficult than addition).

There is one more thing I want to tell you. When you want to build up a result, you can use an additional variable to hold it.  This variable is usually passed as an extra parameter to your recursive function.  Let me give an example of reversing a list.  Write a program to reverse a list, returning a new reversed copy of the original.  Where will you keep the result in progress?


but if you have an extra parameter, you can keep your intermediate result there.

reverse2(L, L1)
   if L == NIL return L1
   return reverse2( tail(L), cons(head(L), L1)

Now you can write your reverse.  The "accumulating" variable starts with NIL.  Did you notice that reverse2 is like cat2?  (Think why?)

  return reverse2(L, NIL)


Here are some exercises for you to practice.
1)   A simple one first, write a function to multiply two unary numbers.
2)   A famous function.  Write an append function to put an element at "the end" of a list.
3)   How to clone a list?  A more ambitious program should also cope with a complex structure (list in list)
4)  Write a program to check "equality" of two lists.  (again, a more ambitious program should cope with complex list)
5)  * In my youth (many many years ago :-), I am intrigue by this puzzle.  Write a function to "flatten" a complex list.  Here is an example
input:  ((1 2) (3 (4 5)) )      output:  (1 2 3 4 5)

* means one hour of thinking.    

Enjoy programming.  

No you don't need to fire up your compiler.  You can write all of them down in a sheet of paper.  How can you know that you got it right?  Simply, prove it :-)

But if you want to try to run it, you can code it in C.  Here is the C program of the above examples.  This program is used in conjunction with the ailib.c (ailib.h)  library.

last update 21 Sept 2016