Simulation at control signals level of 4B

We want to associate the action of datapath with control signals.  In this simulation, the assertion (active) of control signals is explicitly show in the simulation code.

Each block (such as multiplexor, registers) will have its own module that associate its output wire with its control signals.

In addition to control signals, we need "wires" to store the value of functional block.

to make code easier to read, we will use color to distinguish different types of signals.  Functional block is black, control signals are green. Wires are red.

We will show the pseudo code of this simulation executing fetch instruction and execute "add" instruction.

The instruction behaviour is shown first. To execute "add", these steps occur:

// fetch instruction


// decode

op = irop()   // decode opcode (first 3 bits)
arg = irarg() // decode arg (last 5 bits)

//  execute

switch op
case xop      //  op == 7 extend opcode
  switch xop
  case 1:  x = x + y   // instruction "add"


Now we will add control signals related to these steps.  (the green line in 4B diagram)

fetch instruction involves PC, pc_mux, IR, PGM[]
control signals: pgm_read, lpc, lir    // load pc, load ir
we need to define wire of the output of functional unit

output of pc_mux: pc_mux_out*
output of PGM[]: pgm_out*

here are the definition of functional units

  if pgm_read == 1
    pgm_out* = PGM[PC]pc_mux()
  if s_pc_mux == 0
    pc_mux_out* = irarg()   // ir last 5 bits
    pc_mux_out* = PC + 1    // next PC

  if lpc == 1
    PC = pc_mux_out*

  if lir == 1
    IR = pgm_out*

Here is the simulation steps
In the beginning all control signals are inactive (0)

// fetch instruction

pgm_read = 1
lir = 1

// increment PC

s_pc_mux = 1
lpc = 1

Now we can decode and execute the instruction in IR

Functional units involve ALU are: ALU, r_mux, x, y.  

control signals: func, s_reg_mux, lx

output of ALU: alu_out*
output of r_mux: r_mux_out*

functional units

  switch func:
  case 1:
     alu_out* = x + y

  if s_reg_mux == 0
     r_mux_out* = data_out*
     r_mux_out* = alu_out*

  if lx == 1
     x = r_mux_out*

here is the simulation step

// execute the instruction in IR

op* = irop()   // get first 3 bits of IR
arg* = irarg() // get last 5 bits of IR

switch op
case 7        // extended op
  func = decode_arg()   // map arg to func
  switch func
  case 1:     // instruction add
    s_r_mux = 1
    lx = 1


Please note that this simulation shows when the control signals are asserted. It does not show how to generate these signals.

Running the benchmark program with this control signal simulation should achieve the same result as running the instruction level simulation.

last update 7 Oct 2021