Genetic Programming for Robot Learning

The aim is to develop methods to generate robot programs for the problems in robot learning. The technique that we concentrate on is Genetic Programming.

Robot Learning

Genetic programming

GP techniques is used to automatically generate robot programs. A robot system requires a program to enable it to perform the task.

Example of a robot program (in VAL II)

; This is plan56 of the chair assembly using the Soma4 parts
CALL sinit()
CALL zjustz(b4.get, 2)
;------- The placing of fork3 -------
CALL zpatget(b4.get, RZ(90), -1.5, 0.5, RZ(0), -1.5, 0.5)
CALL zget(b4.get:RZ(0))
; -- No regrasping required.
CALL zput(b4.put:RZ(-270))
. . . .

What is Genetic Programming?

Koza (1992) invented it. It is evolved from Genetic Algorithm (John Holland, 1975).
GP encodes solutions in tree structures.

How does it work?

  1. Generate randomly, solutions as initial population.
  2. Evaluate the fitness of individual solution and Select highly fit individuals.
  3. Genetic Operation : Recombination, Mutation to generate next generation population.
  4. Repeat step 2-3
Example a solution (a robot program) Example of Robot Learning problems : Visual reaching task