State of the Art in Evolutionary Computation I want to expose modern practice in Evolutionary Computation to all students. Many areas are still open questions. I will discuss some basics and limitation of classical GAs. Many practical algorithms which work with real world problems will be studied. The future direction in EC is introduced. The lecture will be in three parts, totally three weeks of three hours each. Genetic Algorithm revisited Searching as traversing hyperplanes Building Block hypothesis Compact Genetic Algorithm What is hard GA problems? Application of GAs Genetic Programming solution as program data structure embryonic program evolving circuits Parallel GAs Island model topology Parameterless GAs Real number problem Evolution Strategy Model building Estimation Distribution Algorithm Others Ant colony Cellular Automata short CV of the speaker Prabhas Chongstitvatana earned his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Kasetsart University, Thailand in 1980. He completed his Ph.D. at the department of artificial intelligence (presently it becomes the division of informatics), Edinburgh University, UK, in 1992. From 1982-1987 he was working in the department of electrical engineering, Kasetsart university. Since 1994, he works with the department of computer engineering, Chulalongkorn University. He was visiting scholar in several univerisities including University of Tokyo, Michigan State University and Edinburgh University. He is a life-time member of Engineering Institute of Thailand and the founding member of Thai Embedded System Association. Currently he acts as the president of Thai Robotic Society. His research interest included robotics, bioinformatics, evolutionary computation and computer architecture. He has more than a hundred publications both at national and international level. homepage