Arithmetic Logic Unit

Now we are ready to do the binary addition in Hardware, that is, in logic gates.  Let's start by introducing some gates and their properties.

We use the following notation, a,b.. a single letter is the name of input/output "wire" of a gate.  and, or, not, xor  are the name of the function of a gate. Let our goal be a gate with two inputs and two outputs to do add, called an "adder".  a,b are inputs.  sum, carry are outputs.  A wire can take either value 0 or 1 (a binary value). We want the adder to have the following properties (it is called a truth table).  This table lists all possible input values and output values of our "adder".

a b   s c
0 0   0 0
0 1   1 0
1 0   1 0
1 1   0 1

s is the sum of a and b.
c is the carry bit.
We break down the job into two gates: one for s and one for c.  Let call the s, "sum" gate and c, "carry" gate.  How do we achieve the property of "sum"?

Let we define some elementary gates: and, or, not. An "and", "or" gate has two inputs and one output.  The "and" gate has the following property:

z = x and y

x y   z

0 0   0
0 1   0
1 0   0
1 1   1

That is the output will be 1 only when "both" inputs are 1.

The "or" gate has the property:

z = x or y

x y  z

0 0  0
0 1  1
1 0  1
1 1  1

The "or" gate will output 1 when either input is 1. Finally a "not" gate, it has one input and one output with this property:

z = not x

x  z

0  1
1  0

That is the output is the flip of the input.

With these elementary gates I will show you the following construction of our "sum" gate.

s = (a and (not b)) or ((not a) and b)

a  b   (a and (not b))  ((not a) and b)  s

0  0    0                0               0
0  1    0                1               1
1  0    1                0               1
1  1    0                0               0

It has exactly the property we want.  Can you recognise how to do the "carry" gate?  Draw a picture of the "sum" gate and "carry" gate to compose into an "adder" gate.

You may notice that this is only half the job.  As our "adder" has only two inputs so it cannot receive a carry bit as input.  To cascade an adder together to form a larger adder, we will need to a full job. Here is the "full adder" property, where a, b are inputs, i is the carry-in, s, c are outputs.

i a b    s  c  

0 0 0    0  0
0 0 1    1  0
0 1 0    1  0
0 1 1    0  1
1 0 0    1  0
1 0 1    0  1
1 1 0    0  1
1 1 1    1  1

You can see that the first half of the table where the carry-in is 0 has the same property as our "adder".  The second half is different.  A bonus point will be given to a clever lad (or laddy) who can construct a "full adder"  (Hint: make it from half adder and a bit of something).
