Probabilistic algorithm : 8-queen problem

pivot( T[i..j], l )

// permutes the elements in array T[i..j] and returns a value l such
// that , at the end, i <=l <=j, T[k] <= p for all i <= k < l, T[l] = p, and
// T[k] > p for all l < k <= j, where p is the initial value of T[i]

p = T[i]
k = i; l = j + 1
repeat k = k + 1 until T[k] > p or k >= j
repeat l = l - 1 until T[l] <= p
while k < l do
    swap T[k] and T[l]
    repeat k = k + 1 until T[k] > p
    repeat l = l -1 until T[l] <= p
    swap T[i] and T[l]

queens( k, col, diag45, diag135 )

// sol[1..k] is k-promising
// col = { sol[i] | 1 <= i <= k }
// diag45 = { sol[i] - i + 1 | 1 <= i <= k }
// diag135 = { sol[i] + i - 1 | 1 <= i <= k }

if k = 8 then // an 8-promising vector is a solution
    write sol
else // explore (k+1)-promising vectors of sol
    for j = 1 to 8 do
        if j not-in col and j-k not-in diag45 and j+k not-in diag135
        then sol[k+1] = j // sol[1..k+1] is (k+1)-promising
queens( k+1, col u {j}, diag45 u {j-k}, diag135 u {j+k} )

queenLV( sol[1..8], success)

array ok[1..8] // available positions
col, diag45, diag135 = empty
for k = 0 to 7 do
// sol[1..k] is k-promising, place the (k+1) th queen
    nb = 0 // count the number of possibilities
for j = 1 to 8 do
    if j not-in col and j-k not-in diag45 and j+k not-in diag135
    then // column j is available for the (k+1) th queen
        nb = nb - 1
        ok[nb] = j
        if nb = 0 then return success = false
        j = ok[uniform(1..nb)]
        col = col u {j}
        diag45 = diag45 u { j - k }
        diag135 = diag135 u { j + k }
        sol[ k + 1] = j
return success = true