2110254  Digital Design and Verification

Course description

Processor design at instruction set level and register transfer level, hardware description language (HDL); functional verification of HDL models; microprocessors; control unit; memory unit; adders; I/O device interfaces.

Part 3    Assembly level programming

lecturer   Prabhas Chongstitvatana
office     room 18-13, Engineering building 4, floor 18.
tel        02-2186982
contact    prabhas at chula dot ac dot th

Aim:  Learn programming at assembly level including microprogramming.
Method:  Use a hypothetical instruction set to do a simple assembly level programming.  Do microprogramming for a simple instruction.


   Assembly 1 :  data path, assembly language, assignment, if..then
   Assembly 2 :  while, for, call to a subroutine  S2 ISA   S2 examples
   Previous lecture on assembly language (2003)


A  test assembly language programming by

1  Given a high level language construct, translate it into an assembly language of a given instruction set.
2  Given an assembly language program, deduce its output, determine its behaviour.  The typical questions will be
a) what is in the register after executing this program?
b) how many times the program execute this loop?

B  Given a data path and an instruction, complete with all signals and microprogram format, write a microprogram sequence for an instruction.


   S2 assembler and simulator
   microprogramming tools set       update version (15 Feb 2005)

last update   15 Feb 2005
P. Chongstitvatana