2110264  Digital Design and Verification Lab   2009

Principle Lecturer: Setha Pan-ngum         room 13 floor 18 Engineering building 4.  tel 02 2186982
Co-ordinator: Prabhas Chongstitvatana    prabhas at chula dot ac dot th   room 13 floor 18 Engineering building 4.  tel 02 2186982


17  Nov 2009     Students are required to present their design documents before entering the lab session. Teaching Assistances will verify that students have done their preparation before entering the lab.  Failure to produce a satisfactory work may result in a prohibition to work in the lab of that week.
2 Dec 2009     IEEE CPU simulator contest  --  a new webpage is created to communicate this event to students.  Students who want to participate please form the team (3-5 members, all undergrad., any department) and register by 11 Jan 2010.  The project date is 9 April 2010

Hardware Description Language

no content availble

Small Embedded Systems

The second half of the semester will be based on the experiments with a microcontroller interfacing to the real world. (such as sensors, signals and sound). Students are expected to do some wiring to connect a microcontroller to external devices and do assembly language programming to perform the experiments.

The goals are to do:
1)  understanding a modern microcontroller
2)  connect it to some small input/output device (electronics skill)
3)  program it in assembly language to perform simple task such as display some message on LCD screen

This semester, the second part of the experiment uses AVR microcontroller  (www.atmel.com), the device ATmega168.  The experimental board is one chip that can be mounted on students' peforated board from the last semester.  This small board (called dual-inline-package, or DIP) can be programmed directly from a USB port.  Here is the picture of the board:

AVR ATmega168 small board

AVR microcontroller

This is a summary of its characteristic:
8 bits data path
modified Harvard architecture:  (separate code and data bus)  However, Code Segment can be read by a special instruction  (LPM load program memory)
program is stored in Flash memory and EEPROM (electrically erasable memory)
EEPROM is not in the address space, it is an external device, accessing it with a pointer register, therefore it is slow. It has the life time of approx. 100,000 write cycles.
2 stages pipeline: fetch-execute
address space: registers, I/O, SRAM (static RAM)
32 registers at address  0..1f   (hex)
64 I/O                  20..5f
   SRAM                 60...

registers: R0..R15, R16..R31  ,  X,Y,Z  pointers
performance  1 MIPS/MHz    (million instructions) at clock 20 MHz
operations on registers   1 cycles
ld/st from memory         2 cycles
branch                          3 cycles

embedded functions

GPIO  general purpose I/O, bidirectional, built-in pull up resistors.
Timers, PWM (pulse width modulation), 10..12 bits A/D 16x, 12 bits D/A,
bus: i2c, UART (serial), SPI, USI
watch dog (to restart processors), brown out (detect low volt supply), CAN, USB, Ethernet, DMA (direct memory access), AES (encryption unit).

AVR CPU block diagram (from the data sheet ATmega168)
avr architecture block diagram

ATmega168 has 16KBytes Flash,  512 bytes EEPROM,  1K Bytes  SRAM
Here is the short data sheet  (with Instruction Set summary)   (500K)
AVR  Instruction Set   (Full manual )  (1M)

How to write assembly language  for an AVR microcontroller  (coming soon)

last update 1 Dec 2009