Assembly Language Programming

Why learn assembly language
assembly language
S2 hypothetical processor


Programmers are becoming less and less necessary to program in an assembly language.  A high level language made programs portable and programming more productive.  There are however situations where an assembly language is necessary.  When the situation demands programming at very near hardware level.  Compiler writer, device driver in OS, embedded controller etc. need to use assembly language.  Assembly language is the language that allows a programmer to talk about operation on a bare bone hardware.  For a computer architect, an assembly language is the "interface" of the hardware design.  During this course, we will talk about the innard of computers, their organization, how each units work. All these follow from what kind of assembly language a computer has.  It is necessary for a computer architect to be able to write and read assembly language well.  All working units inside a computer perform according to some sequence of its instruction.

To study computer architecture, we need to be able to understand assembly language.  This introduction will concentrate on principles of assembly language programming.  The aim is to enable students to read some subset of assembly language and understand their operational semantics.  We will use a hypothetical processor designed and developed recently for teaching purpose S2.  It has simple instruction set and is easy to understand.

Assembly language programming

S2 instruction set: S2 has 32 registers, each register holds a 32-bit number. The use of registers is for performance reason.  It is faster to access registers than to access memory.    A register is used to hold an intermediate result.


Example   A = B + C - D

Let r1 = A, r2 = B, r3 = C, r4 = D

ld r2 B
ld r3 C
ld r4 D
add r2 r2 r3
sub r1 r2 r4
st A r1
Example    sum from 1 to 10
s = 0, i = 1,
  s = s + i, i= i + 1

Let r1 = S, r2 = i

S 100
I 101
.a 0
    st S r0          ;; s = 0
    ld r1 #1
    st I r1          ;; i = 1
:loop ld r2 I
    sub r0 r2 #10
    jmp GT exit      ;; while i <= 10
    ld r1 S
    ld r2 I
    add r1 r1 r2
    st S r1          ;; s = s + i
    add r2 r2 #1
    st I r2          ;; i = i + 1
    jmp always loop
:exit trap stop r0


An assembler can translate a source file into machine code file (in some file format).  This machine code file can be loaded into a simulator and executed.  A simulator allows students to execute and monitor the effect step by step.  It shows the value of all registers and can display memory values.


1)  write an assembly program to do  P = 2 x M - N
2)  write an assembly program to find sum AR[i] i = 1..5
Run it under the simulator, check the result.

last update 10 June 2003