Prabhas Chongstitvatana works at Chulalongkorn University's Department
of Computer Engineering. In 1992, he received his Ph.D. from Edinburgh
University's artificial intelligence department in the United Kingdom.
He conducts research in the fields of computer architecture, robotics,
bioinformatics, quantum computing, and evolutionary computation.
He is a senior adviser for the Thai Robotics Society, a senior member of
the Thai Academy of Science and Technology, and a lifelong member of the
Thailand Engineering Institute. From 2012 to 2013, he presided
over the ECTI Association of Thailand. The National Research
Council of Thailand named him a "National Distinguished Researcher" in
2009. Constructing a quantum computer is his current passion.
office: Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Eng. Build 4, Floor 18, room 12, tel 02-2186982.
email : prabhas dot c at chula dot ac dot thThis work proposes a quantum-assisted compact genetic algorithm that uses a quantum amplitude amplification technique in the selection process. In addition to using elitism mechanics where a single best candidate solution is kept to drive the probability vector, the amplitude amplification also acts as a mutation operator which, with high probability, enforces the constraint that the newly generated candidate is a feasible solution. We apply this algorithm to the traveling salesman problem of on IBM Qiskit simulator. We show space and time complexity analysis based on the quantum circuit model.
Kamonluk Suksen, K., Benchasattabuse, N., Chongstitvatana, P., "Compact Genetic Algorithm with Quantum-Assisted Feasibility Enforcement," ECTI Trans on Computer and Information Technology, Vol.16, No.4, December 2022 (local copy) (link to journal article)
Keywords: Quantum computing, Grover’s search algorithm, compact genetic algorithm (cGA)This work presents an example of programming a quantum computer. The
compact genetic algorithm is used as a target as it is powerful and
popular method in evolutionary computation. This paper demonstrates
the enhancement in terms of solution quality and speed introduced by
quantum computation. The simulation of quantum computing is carried out
for solving a problem using the compact genetic algorithm. The exponential
speed up over a classical computer is demonstrated.
Keywords: Genetic algorithms,
Compact Genetic Algorithms, Quantum Computers.
Yingchareonthawornchai, S., Aporntewan, C.,
and Chongstitvatana, P., 2012 #14
Programming: Python (2023)
Research grants and awards
I am currently active in the field of Evolutionary Computation,
Bioinformatics and Quantum computing. My research activities are
associated with Intelligent System Laboratory (ISL) in the department of
computer engineering, Faculty of engineering, Chulalongkorn University.
ISL has ties with University of Tokyo, Japan and the school of
informatics, Edinburgh University, Scotland.
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